Team looking at natural regeneration issues

The Division of Forestry created a Natural Regeneration Ad Hoc Team to review and recommend natural regeneration monitoring protocols in an effort to provide a more cohesive statewide strategy for achieving successful natural regeneration. Forest regeneration was identified as an implementation issue in the Division’s Strategic Direction. Forest regeneration monitoring was also identified as an opportunity for improvement in forest certification audits on state lands.

The new team includes foresters from different management interests (DNR, forest industry, county forest, private lands, and consulting foresters). Their charge is to review current silviculture handbook guidance on regeneration monitoring methods and standards, standardize the format of regeneration for differing cover types (especially where lacking), develop efficient and effective monitoring protocols, collect and manage reforestation monitoring data, and define forester responsibilities in monitoring forest regeneration. The group is scheduled to have its final products and recommendations available by the end of 2017.

By Jeremiah Auer,, (715) 424-3700

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