Grants help fight EAB

The Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry grant system has been a valuable tool in the fight against the emerald ash borer (EAB). The Urban Forestry grant program is a reimbursable grant; the grantee must complete the project first, and then apply for reimbursement of up to 50% for eligible items, to a maximum of $25,000.

Since 2008 just over 30% of Urban Forestry grants have involved some type of response to EAB, 31% of Urban Forestry grant dollars awarded have been allocated to projects preparing for, or reacting to, the influx of EAB, and 30% of Urban Forestry grant dollars actually paid out have been to entities involved in this battle.

For further information on the allocation of these funds as of July 25, 2016, see the table below.

Containing       Number of Grants             Grant $ awarded       Canceled              Paid $                

EAB plan             62 or 18.1% of all grants    $774,588.17          2 for $11,315.00      $616,846.85

Treatment           36 additional                       $670,424.24                                             $454,080.96

Other EAB           6 additional                          $58,619.50                                               $44,338.15

Total related      104                                          $1,514,946.91                                          $1,115,265.96

Overall                343                                          $4,964,004.00                                          $3,715,349.89


For more information, contact Ellen Clark (, DNR Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, 608- 267-2774.

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