Nominate someone for council awards

The Urban Forestry Council (UFC) is a group comprised of members from municipalities throughout the state, elected officials, nursery employees and arborists that help inform and guide the DNR, specifically the Urban Forestry Program, about the needs of the communities.

Every year, the UFC, in partnership with DNR Division of Forestry Urban Forestry Program, strives to recognize individuals and organizations who have worked to increase tree planting, care, preservation, habitat and other benefits of urban trees through an awards ceremony. The awards are presented to individuals or organizations at Wisconsin’s Annual Urban Forestry Conference.  Nominations for the 2017 awards are due on October 31, 2016, so please nominate people or organizations that you think exemplify the following UFC awards.

The Lifetime Achievement award recognizes outstanding contributions to urban forestry in Wisconsin demonstrated throughout a lifetime career. The 2016 winners of this award are Raymond P. Guries, UW-Madison Emeritus Professor of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, and Eugene B. Smalley, now deceased, UW-Madison Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathology and Forestry.

Another award is the Distinguished Service award, which recognizes an individual for their outstanding contributions to urban forestry. The 2016 recipient of this award is Phil Pellitteri, UW-Madison Distinguished Faculty Associate Emeritus.

Project Partnership is another recognition award presented by the UFC. This award recognizes outstanding projects that utilize partnerships as a means of providing service or benefits to the urban forest. The program that received this award in 2016 is Ozaukee County Fish Passage Program , Ulao Creek Restoration and Tree Planting Project.

The fourth award offered by UFC is the Elected Official award, which recognizes an elected official, at the county or local level of government, who has made an outstanding recent contribution to urban forestry in Wisconsin. Some examples include a mayor, alderman or county executive, who has gone above and beyond in their support. Wisconsin State Legislators who have made outstanding contributions to urban forestry will also be considered after they have completed their term in office.

Finally, the Innovations in Urban Forestry award recognizes a community, individual, association or organization exhibiting outstanding innovations in the development or enhancement of an urban forestry project or program. The award recognizes the creativity, commitment and success of urban forestry efforts. Two programs received the award this year: Wisconsin Urban Wood and the Alternative Revenue Work Group  of the City of Madison Common Council.

Nominate individuals or organizations who you think fit these descriptions. The deadline is October 31, 2016. For additional information, contact a member of the Urban Forestry Council , a Regional Urban Forestry Coordinator , or Sara Minkoff , UFC liaison for the Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry Program, at


For more information, contact Ellen Clark (, DNR Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, 608- 267-2774.


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