Capitalizing on the Wisconsin Community Tree Map

The Wisconsin Community Tree Map is an accessible database of tree inventories compiled into an interactive and easy to use map based program, to encourage and engage awareness of the composition and benefits of urban trees.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) urban forestry program has administered their grant program for many years to further the practice of urban forestry in communities across the state. Over the years, there have been differing goals and targets met with the use of the urban forestry funding, such as: conducting tree inventories, creating or updating management plans, Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) plans, developing partnerships, engaging in education and outreach, or assistance for operations including tree trimming, removals, and treatments.

With every inventory funded through the assistance of an urban forestry grant, the data is provided to the WI DNR and added to the Community Tree Map. As of today, the WI DNR has entered tree inventory data from 42 organizations.

The Community Tree Map allows users to navigate, query, filter, view stats, examine ecosystem benefits, and create reports. From the data provided and the maps capabilities, community members can learn that 40.2% of urban trees are Acer (Maple) genus, with an average Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of 0-3” and 3-6.” The 5 most common species are: Norway Maple, Green Ash, Honeylocust, Littleleaf Linden, and Silver Maple. These capabilities give everyone the opportunity to interact with their urban forest, from the statewide level to the community level; this information allows state and city-wide agencies, as well as local community organizations, the opportunity to proactively make decisions that will impact the urban forests in the long term.

Communicating the benefits and values urban trees contribute to a community is quickly gaining relevancy, and the Community Tree Map makes this information easily accessible. The map allows users to create charts and reports to present values of air quality, carbon sequestration, energy conservation, stormwater abatement, and property values. This information provides a monetary value on the green infrastructure contributing to the health and vitality of communities across the state.

Access the Community Tree Map at or visit Use keyword UFIA to see if your organization’s data has been uploaded. Once in the tool take the time to explore its many capabilities.

Anyone interested in the health, management, benefits, values or are just curious Wisconsin’s urban forest, play around in the Community Tree Map.


This article was written by Elizabeth Dierickx with Plan-It Geo, LLC. For more information contact her at or 608-214-9129.

Contents of this article are shared for informational purposes only. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources does not endorse and makes no representations, expressed, inferred or implied, concerning these organizations, programs or services.


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