Urban Forestry Council awards

Each year, city tree champions from throughout Wisconsin are recognized for outstanding community service

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council invites citizens to nominate local individuals and organizations to be recognized for their efforts to protect, preserve and increase the number of trees that line city streets, fill community parks and beautify neighborhoods throughout the state.

The awards are presented to outstanding individuals, organizations, communities and tribes that further urban forestry in Wisconsin at the annual Wisconsin Urban Forestry Conference (February, Green Bay) and to winners in their local communities. The five categories of awards are:

  1. Lifetime Achievement award recognizes outstanding contributions to urban forestry in Wisconsin demonstrated throughout a lifetime career.
  2. Distinguished Service award recognizes an individual for their outstanding contributions to urban forestry in Wisconsin.
  3. Project Partnership award recognizes outstanding projects that utilize partnerships as a means of providing services or benefits to the urban forest.
  4. Elected Official award recognizes an elected official at the county or local level of government who has made an outstanding recent contribution to urban forestry in Wisconsin. This could be a mayor, alderman, county executive, etc., who has gone above and beyond in their support. Wisconsin State Legislators who have made outstanding contributions to urban forestry will also be considered after they have completed their terms of office.
  5. Innovations in Urban Forestry award recognizes a community, individual, association or organization exhibiting outstanding innovations in the development or enhancement of an urban forestry project or program. This award recognizes the creativity, commitment and success of urban forestry efforts.

Nominations should be sent to the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707 or emailed to Sara Minkoff, Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council Liaison (Sara.Minkoff@Wisconsin.gov). For additional information, please contact a member of the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council or urban forestry coordinator.

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council advises the Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry on the best ways to manage urban and community forest resources. These annual awards recognize and thank individuals and organizations for their work and commitment to the trees, plantings, habitat and economic benefits they provide, said Kristin Gies, co-chair of the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council’s award committee. Reviewing the nominations each year is a wonderful way to see the great things happening around Wisconsin and to support healthy community forests.

Interested in previous winners? Have ideas for nominees? The deadline for 2018 nominees is October 31, 2017. However, you can nominate your community tree champions any time. Learn more by visiting DNR.wi.gov and searching for the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council.

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