Minnesota DNR Urban Forestry visits Wisconsin

staff memebers on capitol parkThe Urban Forestry team hosted Valerie McClannahan from the Minnesota DNR on September 25th and 26th.  Valerie was particularly interested in our Urban Forest Assessment program, the urban wood industry in Wisconsin, and general programmatic items.  During her visit, we highlighted the Wisconsin Community Tree Map and the Capital Park inventory, our UFIA program, our canopy assessment project, and the urban homeowner survey.  She is interested in how Minnesota can leverage some of their existing work and incorporate some of the additional pieces we are developing for statewide assessments. 


Valerie sat in on an Urban Forestry team call to take in the breadth of the work we do statewide, which led to a great discussion on how we leverage different resources to accomplish similar goals. Additionally, she gave a presentation on the Minnesota Urban Forestry program during a brownbag lunch, which was well-attended. She highlighted key partnerships with the University of Minnesota and their extensive work with volunteers.


Overall, this was a great cross-state learning opportunity, which we hope to continue through Laura Lorentz travelling to Minnesota to spend time with their staff later in the year. Thanks to all who participated in individual meetings: Laura Lorentz, Dan Buckler, Andy Stoltman, Brian Wahl, Katy Thostenson, Scott Lyon and Dick Rideout (recently retired).


For more information contact Ellen Clark (EllenA.Clark@Wisconsin.gov), Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, at 608-267-2774.

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