UW Forestry students visit DNR

UW students and DNR employees giving presentationsOn Wednesday, October 4th UW-Madison students from the Forestry program visited the DNR. About 16 students attended an informational session on the Division of Forestry which highlighted a few of our programs. Jim Warren, Michele Witecha, Courtney Klaus, Brian Wahl and Jeff Roe shared information about the Division as a whole and their respective programs (Public and Private Forestry, Fire, GIS/Remote Sensing, and Urban Forestry). Each person was also able to share information about their program, the skills required for positions in their programs, and a little bit about each of their backgrounds and how they reached the positions they are in today. The students were then able to ask the staff questions. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to see how the state agency works, learn about different fields in forestry, and interact with industry professionals. It was also a great opportunity for DNR staff to learn about what current Forestry students interests.


For more information contact Ellen Clark (EllenA.Clark@Wisconsin.gov), Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, at 608-267-2774.


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