Welcoming a new team member

TAbner Jacobsonhe Urban Forestry team has recently added a new member, Abner Jacobson. Abner will be an Urban Forestry Grant Specialist. Originally from the East Side of Madison, Abner graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 2017 with degrees in Communication Arts and Political Science. He has been with the DNR since 2016, with previous positions in Natural Heritage Conservation and Community Financial Assistance. He currently works primarily with the Wisconsin Forest Landowners Grant Program (WFLGP). Outside of work, Abner can often be found at live music events around Madison, and he enjoys playing guitar and writing music of his own. He also enjoys hiking, bicycling, and travelling throughout Wisconsin and the world.


For more information contact Ellen Clark, Urban Forestry Communication Specialist, via email (EllenA.Clark@wisconsin.gov).


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