Tree City USA applications open

The application period for Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City and Tree Campus USA programs opens September 4th!  You can access information and application materials for these recognition programs from the DNR Urban Forestry website or the Arbor Day Foundation website. Tree City and Tree Campus applicants are encouraged to use the online application form, though hard-copy applications are available. These national award programs recognize efforts to raise awareness of the importance of trees and integrate trees and proper tree care in Wisconsin communities, around utility lines and facilities, and on college campuses.

To be recognized as a Tree City USA, a community must have:

  • A designated tree board or forestry department
  • Annual forestry program expenditures of at least $2 per capita
  • A tree ordinance
  • An Arbor Day observance and proclamation

To be recognized as a Tree Campus USA, the campus must have:

  • A campus tree advisory committee
  • A tree care plan
  • A tree program with dedicated annual expenditures
  • An Arbor Day observance
  • A tree-related service learning project

Tree City and Tree Campus applications are due December 31st and require no fee. Hard-copy applications should be sent to the urban forestry coordinator serving your area.

Wisconsin has historically been among the top 3 states for number of communities participating in the Tree City USA program.  We hope you will join us this year in continuing the strong tradition and commitment to growing and maintaining a healthy tree canopy across Wisconsin!

For more information contact Laura Lorentz ( or 608-294-0253), Urban Forestry Partnership & Policy Specialist.

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