Complete the Secondary Wood Manufacturer Survey

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources -Division of Forestry is conducting a survey on Wisconsin’s secondary wood manufacturing sector. This sector includes Wisconsin firms that purchase and produce products from lumber, blocks, wood components, fiberboard, plywood, veneer, and manufacturing residue.

The goals of this survey are to: 1.) update the Wisconsin Wood Using Industry Directory, 2.) determine the impact of the secondary wood industry on Wisconsin’s economy, 3.) determine residue availability, and 4.) develop an understanding of educational and training needs for the success of the wood industry.

About six weeks ago, we sent many of you a questionnaire seeking information for updating the Wisconsin Wood Using Industry Directory. The directory, last updated in 2009, is not currently available, but we plan to have the updated version online at the forest products section of the DNR website. If you would like to have your company information included the directory, please complete the survey online by visiting the following link: .

If you are a secondary wood manufacturer, please return your survey as soon as possible or complete online no later than September 28, 2018 to ensure your responses are included in the directory. If you have any questions regarding the completion of the survey or would prefer a paper copy of the survey, please contact: Scott Lyon, Forest Products Specialist, at 920-360-3722 ( for assistance.

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