Tree City USA applications are due

Trees make a town a special place to live. Trees shade homes, businesses and streets. They clean air and water, increase property values, reduce energy costs and make neighborhoods greener, safer and healthier. By becoming recognized and fulfilling the standards of Tree City, Tree Line, or Tree Campus USA, communities, companies and campuses are putting their citizens first and building a better community with the forest outside your door. Thousands of communities across America are enjoying these many benefits of trees and being recognized as a Tree City USA.

Wisconsin has 190 communities with this recognition and receiving these benefits, making it the state with the second most Tree City USAs (TCUSA) in the nation. More than 58% of Wisconsinites live in a TCUSA community. Wisconsin also has 8 Tree Line USA companies and 7 Tree Campus awardees. This program, led by the Arbor Day Foundation, provides direction, assistance and national recognition for a community. The standards required to become a TCUSA help provide guidance for building a successful community tree program. Applications are now open for Tree City USA, Tree Line USA and Tree Campus USA. For more information or help with the application contact the urban forestry coordinator in your area.

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