Recipients Announced for Urban Forestry Regular and Startup Grants

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Urban Forestry program has selected the 2021 grant year recipients, funding 48 applications in a dollar-for-dollar match.

In addition to annual state funding totaling $524,600, the program received an additional $175,000 in federal funding to mitigate damage associated with the Emerald Ash Borer.

Awards for the 48 applications range from $2,400 to $25,000. In total, the projects cost an estimated $1.8 million. Six additional applicants may also receive second-round funding in spring 2021 if funds reserved for the Catastrophic Storm Grant program are not needed through the winter months.

Of the selected applications, 28 are regular grants, and 20 are startup grants. The six chosen for possible second-round funding are all regular grants.

As with previous years, the DNR’s Urban Forestry Grant program funds projects consistent with state and national goals to increase the urban forest canopy and its benefits. The urban forest encompasses trees on both public and private property.

The 2021 grant cycle priorities include projects that increase the ability of local municipal partners to expand urban forestry programs, increase the ability of local partners to provide ongoing urban forestry funding, services and markets, benefit multiple communities and put existing inventories of urban trees to use.

The list of selected grant recipients is available on the DNR Urban Forestry Grant webpage.

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