SFI Urban and Community Forest Sustainability Standard Comment Period

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. (SFI) is pleased to announce the first public comment period of a new SFI Urban and Community Forest Sustainability Standard. SFI  collaborated with more than 25 urban forestry leaders, including representatives from American Forests, Arbor Day Foundation, the International Society of Arboriculture, the Society of Municipal Arborists and Tree Canada to create this first draft.

This first draft focuses primarily on the elements that would broadly define professional urban forestry programs and practices in the U.S and Canada. Elements in the standard will be aspirational to many communities. Some will follow standard SFI certification protocols common to all standards, and some are to be determined. SFI is interested in receiving all related comments, questions and suggestions that can help guide subsequent revisions and further development of the standard, so your review comments can be broader than just the technical elements of an urban and community forestry program or practice.   

Feedback is accepted through Dec. 1.

To view the draft standard, click here.

To submit comments, click here.

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