Statewide Forest Action Plan Strategies

Forest health experts from federal and state government, tribes and universities worked together to create the two goals and numerous strategies featured in the forest health chapter of Wisconsin’s 2020-2030 Statewide Forest Action Plan. Many goals and strategies in other chapters are also relevant to forest health efforts.

These goals are high-level statements about the desired future conditions of Wisconsin forests. The forest health chapter goals are:

  1. Forested land and ecosystem functions are maximized, while losses due to forest health threats are minimized
  2. Forest health threats are identified and managed in a fashion that is adaptive and responsive to multiple values

Strategies are specific areas of effort or action intended to achieve a goal. The strategies highlight the need to establish as many acres of healthy forest as possible to fight climate change, support the forest products industry and provide clean air and water and improve aesthetics and recreation opportunities. This can be accomplished by having diverse forests managed to reduce the impacts of invasive and non-native species. Forests on all land ownerships, federal, tribal, state, county and private, are critical to achieve the goals. The forestry community also needs to educate and work with the public to rapidly identify and manage invasive species. Promoting forest management plans and incentivizing action are also important steps to achieving these goals.

Other goals further highlight the need for connected urban and rural forests that are diverse and resilient to fire, climate change and other stressors. In addition, all forest landowners should become more connected and actively engaged in sustainable management supported by science.

For more information, see Wisconsin’s Forest Action Plan summary goals and strategies document.

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