A Goodbye… For Now!

UF team photo

Most of the UF Team (missing Jeff Roe). From left to right in the back row: Patricia Lindquist, Kim Sebastian, Brian Wahl, Dan Buckler, Nicolle Spafford, Laura Buntrock. Left to right in the front row: Tracy Salisbury, Kirsten Biefeld, Olivia Witthun, Abby Krause.

Kirsten Biefeld’s last day as an Urban Forestry Outreach Specialist and Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council Liaison was Friday, Feb. 24. You may recognize her through the Urban Forestry newsletter posts and similarly related social media posts and at conferences since June 2022.

Starting Monday, Feb. 27, she will be a Plant Pest Public Information Specialist with the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). Here, she will help with the Spongy Moth survey and spray program, as well as helping with furthering outreach and education endeavors about Wisconsin’s forest pest populations.

“While relatively brief, my time with the DNR has been truly amazing and fundamental to my development professionally of course, but also monumental in how it has shaped my understanding and love for our urban forests.

I’ve met amazing people across the state, from the DNR to local government to a concerned citizen. Thank you all for the love and care you put into your jobs and your daily interactions. Your passion for Wisconsin forests and the others who care for them is palpable, especially when I have seen some of you smile and laugh after a long, grueling day and are still (mostly) excited to get up for another one.

A special thank you to Jeff Roe, Patricia Lindquist, Brian Wahl, Abby Krause, Tracy Salisbury, Nicolle Spafford, Laura Buntrock, Olivia Witthun, Dan Buckler, Kim Sebastian, Bri Miulli, Andrea Diss-Torrance, and Kelly Martinson. This is in no specific order of preference nor an exhaustive list as you all have shaped me in different ways, but you have been the highlight my time here! I look forward to crossing paths with all forestry folks as I continue in my career, even if it is now through sending even more emails from our sister agency (DATCP) about issues with spongy moth and our many other, fun forest pests! Best regards, Kirsten.”

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