Applying Directly To The Forest Service For Inflation Reduction Act Funds

The Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been announced. Please see the USDA press release here.


The Forest Service is making up to $1 billion available in Urban and Community Forestry competitive grants for investments that:

  • increase equitable access to urban tree canopy and associated human health, environmental, and economic benefits in disadvantaged communities
  • broaden community engagement in local urban forest planning
  • improve community and urban forest resilience to climate change, pests and storm events through best management and maintenance practices

Notice Of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Notes:

  • Proposal deadline June 1, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EDT
  • $100,000 minimum and $50 million maximum funding request
  • 5-year grant agreement
  • Eligible organizations include: state government entity, local government entity, federally recognized tribes, nonprofit organizations, public and state-controlled institutions of higher education, and community-based organizations.
  • All federal grant funds are to be matched at least equally (dollar for dollar) with non-federal match. Match-waivers are available for proposals that deliver 100% of the funding/program benefits to disadvantaged communities.
  • Organizations must have an active registration and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) from to apply. Creating a first-time registration may take several weeks or more to complete so apply for SAM registration early.

Informational Resources:

NOFO Questions:

For questions related to the NOFO proposal requirements or information contained within the NOFO, such as dates, page numbers, and clarification of discrepancies, email: SM.FS.UCF_IRA@usda.govNOTE: Questions related to eligibility, or the merits of a specific proposal will not be addressed.


USDA Forest Service will provide two Application Assistance Webinars in late April to assist with specific questions and inquiries. If you would like to receive a direct invitation for these sessions, please send an email to the UCF IRA inbox: SM.FS.UCF_IRA@USDA.GOV.

Please note that the Wisconsin DNR submitted a proposal to the USFS to receive IRA funding. The NOFO described here is an additional opportunity to receive IRA funding by applying directly to the USFS. This article is adapted from an email sent from the USDA Forest Service on April 12, 2023.

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