Month: September 2023

Balsam Fir Mortality Similar To 2018 And 2020

Linda Williams, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Woodruff or 920-360-0665

Photo of balsam fir tree prematurely turning brown and red.

Scattered balsam fir trees in the Northwoods have suddenly turned brown and red this spring. / Photo Credit: Linda Williams, Wisconsin DNR

Scattered balsam fir trees in some areas of northern Wisconsin have suddenly turned rusty red to brown and are dying. These trees are not being impacted by spruce budworm and typically die with a full complement of needles.

The symptoms resemble what was observed in 2018 and 2020. So far, the number of trees being reported is smaller than what was seen in 2018 or 2020. Reports are still coming in, but they seem to be concentrated in northern areas of the state where we had extensive snowfall in late winter.

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Pine Bark Adelgids Infest White Pines

Photo of pine bark adelgids covered in white, waxy fluff on a white pine tree.

Pine bark adelgids covered in white, waxy fluff on a white pine tree. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

Michael Hillstrom, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Fitchburg

Pine bark adelgids are tiny, aphid-like insects that suck the sap of white pines. The bugs protect themselves from predators with a fluffy, white wax covering. Pine bark adelgids generate concern when thousands of them gather on white pines to feed, making the pine bark appear covered with sap.

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Yard Waste: Not For The Woods

Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center or 715-492-0391

Photo of garden waste dumped along an ATV trail in a Wisconsin state forest.

This garden waste was dumped along an ATV trail in a state forest and can be a pathway for invasive plants and diseases that affect our public lands. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

When a pile of more than 500 pounds of uncooked pasta was found in the woods in New Jersey in early May, no one was quite sure why or how the piles had appeared — but it was clear that they didn’t belong there.

Whether spaghetti noodles, broken electronics or old furniture, some things shouldn’t be in our woods, waters or roadsides, no matter the reason.

Though it may seem obvious that you should avoid dumping these types of waste in your local woods, some items aren’t as straightforward.

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