Month: June 2024

Teasing Out Invasive Teasels

Common teasel in bloom. The flowerheads of teasel species are distinct, unusually large, stiff and sturdy.

Common teasel in bloom. The flowerheads of teasel species are distinct, unusually large, stiff and sturdy. / Photo Credit: Steve Dewey, Utah State University,

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center or 715-492-0391

Two species of teasel are present in Wisconsin: common teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) and cut-leaved teasel (Dipsacus lacinatus). Although they are known today as invasive plants, their Latin names speak to a useful history.

The species name of common teasel (fullonum) comes from “to full,” a step in woolen clothmaking that involves using water and agitation. Teasels, native to Europe, were introduced to North America in the 1700s to be used in this manner by textile processors. The stiff and sturdy flower heads of teasel were used to comb the surface of damp cloth to give it a fluffier finish. Continue reading “Teasing Out Invasive Teasels”

Retracted: Study Shows Drought Harms Wetter Forests Most


The original version of this Forest Health News article has been removed because the journal article in Science magazine that was referenced has been retracted by its authors due to a mathematical error. The journal authors reran their analysis and although many results remained unchanged, the statistical significance of some conclusions, and the results of some robustness tests, did change. It is unclear to what degree these errors affected observations in the Forest Health News article, so that article was removed. More information is available here.

What’s That Orange Goo?

A slime mold perched on a vine.

By Michael Hillstrom, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Fitchburg;

What’s the orange goo on that tree?

Should I fight, or should I flee?

I bet forest health staff can ID!

Indeed, there are a number of types of orange goo in the woods during spring.

If it’s a lumpy mass of goo on a log, stump or mulch, then it’s probably a slime mold. Slime molds are an amoeba-like group of organisms called myxomycetes. They move very slowly to eat bacteria and organic matter. Slime molds are harmless, so unless it is covering something of value, just leave it be, and it will disappear on its own. Continue reading “What’s That Orange Goo?”

Invasives And Imposters: Native Lookalikes To Know (Part 1)

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center; or 715-492-0391

With 145 invasive plants regulated under Wisconsin’s Invasive Species Rule NR40, it can be challenging to identify some of these plants while out in the woods.

The task can be further complicated by the presence of native lookalikes, plants that appear very similar to harmful invasive species but benefit wildlife, pollinators and ecosystems in Wisconsin.

Continue reading “Invasives And Imposters: Native Lookalikes To Know (Part 1)”