CISMAs Plan Invasive Plant Events

When it comes to fighting invasive plants, Wisconsin’s Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) are often the first line of defense (and offense).

These regional groups provide a localized resource for landowners looking for invasive plant education, identification support and assistance with controlling invasives on their properties.

A map of the current Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) in Wisconsin. / Map Credit: Wisconsin DNR

With 13 CISMAs operating throughout Wisconsin, these groups accomplish a lot each year. CISMA offerings range from fieldwork outings and landowner education workshops to tool-share programs and day-long, control-based field trips.

Ready to get involved with your local CISMA? Check out the website or social media of your area’s CISMA for updates or contact the coordinator to join a group.

Check out the list of CISMA-based events coming up in September and October. More information for each event can be found on the respective CISMA’s website.

Southeast Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium (SEWISC): Kenosha, Ozaukee, Milwaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha counties

2024 SEWISC Fall Invasive Plant Management Workshop: Friday, Sept. 13

Location: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee at Waukesha Field Station (registration required)

A hands-on, bring-your-own lunch class, this Invasive Plant Management Workshop is offered twice annually. Registration is limited to 20, so sign up quickly if you want to attend.

Door County Invasive Species Team (DCIST): Door County

Invasive Species Volunteer Workdays at The Ridges: Tuesday, Sept. 17

Location: Cook-Albert Fuller Nature Center

Come help with invasive species projects at The Ridges. Work will involve removing and bagging invasive plants. Wear appropriate footwear, pants and long sleeves. Gloves, bags and tools will be provided.

Northeast Wisconsin Invasives Partnership (NEWIP): Brown, Outagamie, Waupaca and Winnebago counties

Sustainable Forest Management Walk: Thursday, Sept. 26

Location: Kann Tree Farm (exact location provided upon reservation)

Join NEWIP and Golden Sands RC&D for a forest walk through a Demonstration Forest in Monroe County. This is a great opportunity to learn about forest management of private land. A catered lunch will follow the tour and will be provided for all participants who RSVP.

RSVP by calling 715-343-6215 or emailing

Central Wisconsin Invasives Partnership (CWIP) and Northeast Wisconsin Invasives Partnership (NEWIP):  – CWIP – Marathon, Wood, Portage, Juneau, Adams, Waushara, Marquette and Green Lake counties; NEWIP – Brown, Outagamie, Waupaca and Winnebago counties

CWIP and NEWIP Steering Committee Meetings and Hike: Tuesday, Oct. 8

Location: Mosquito Hill Nature Center, New London

The day will consist of the steering committee meetings, a presentation on phragmites, a catered lunch and a group hike. Individuals who are not officially part of a steering committee are welcome to join in on either meeting. There is no cost to attend this event. People are welcome to join for any part of the event they wish. Register to attend using the meeting’s Google form.

Green Bay Area Woody Invasives Management Demonstration: The Renz Weed Science Lab will hold a workshop to present control options for woody invasive species from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25. The workshop includes a classroom portion at the Triangle Sports Chalet presented by Dr. Mark Renz and lab staff, Matt Wallrath and Travis Wilson. Lunch will be provided for participants.

Registration is required via Google Forms.

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