Forest Products Grants Announced

A man wearing a yellow hard hat and safety glasses measures a piece of wood in a lumberyard with stacks of wood in the background.During National Forest Products Week, the USDA Forest Service announced it is making nearly $34 million in funding available through its Wood Innovations, Community Wood and Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance grant programs. The Forest Service is seeking proposals that support crucial links between resilient, healthy forests, strong rural economies and jobs in the forestry sector. Funding for these programs is intended to spark innovation, create new markets for wood products and renewable wood energy and expand processing capacity. You can read the full news release on the Forest Service’s website.

The Forest Service is requesting proposals from eligible entities in the private, non-profit and government sectors, including Tribes, local and state governments, businesses and for-profit entities, institutions of higher education and public utility, fire, conservation and school districts, among others. For more information on this funding announcement, including project eligibility requirements, visit the Forest Service’s Wood Innovations webpage.

If you are interested in applying for any of these grants, please contact the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Products Services business staff. We can assist you with navigating the process and writing a successful application. The submission deadline is in mid-December, so act now to get started on this valuable opportunity.

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