Gov. Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the Urban Forestry (UF) Grant Program recipients for the 2025 grant year. In addition to helping fund projects consistent with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy, reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere, and improving the quality of life and public health of communities, the UF Grant Program will help advance goals outlined in Gov. Evers’ Trillion Trees Pledge commitment, which includes planting 1 million trees in urban areas by the end of 2030. Continue reading “Gov. Evers, DNR Announce 2025 Urban Forestry Program Grant Recipients”
Month: December 2024
Please Submit Trees Planted This Year!
By Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist; or 608-445-4578
Autumn is a wonderful time for planting trees. And after the trees go in the ground, please take a few minutes to document the effort in the Wisconsin Tree Planting Map. The map was designed to help track trees planted to advance the state’s pledge to the Trillion Trees Initiative.
Tree City USA: Wisconsin Can Take The Lead In Growth Awards Earned With Your Help
By Abby Krause, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator; or 608-556-5690
Tree City USA is an annual recognition program presented by the Arbor Day Foundation that allows communities to publicly demonstrate their continued commitment to the care of their local urban forest. Returning Tree City USA communities are also eligible to apply for Growth Awards. These awards recognize community forestry programs that go above and beyond the four core tenets of Tree City USA.
Wisconsin has consistently proven to be a national leader in the stewardship of the forests outside our front doors all across the state. In 2023, we saw participation from Milwaukee, our state’s most populous city, down to Ephraim, a village of only a few hundred residents. We ranked third nationally in both programs with 194 Tree City USA communities and 26 Growth Awards. Only Ohio and Illinois ranked higher. Continue reading “Tree City USA: Wisconsin Can Take The Lead In Growth Awards Earned With Your Help”
Grant Opportunities
Five Star And Urban Waters Restoration Grants Due Jan. 30, 2025
The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grant program seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing modest financial assistance to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds and the species and habitats they support. Continue reading “Grant Opportunities”
Award Announcements
Invasive Species Action Award
The Wisconsin Invasive Species Council is accepting nominations for the 21st annual Invasive Species Action Awards now through Feb. 16, 2025. Continue reading “Award Announcements”
Upcoming Trainings
*These training opportunities are provided as an information service only and do not constitute an endorsement from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
See below for information on the Wisconsin Apprenticeship Conference and trainings on topics including electrical hazards, tree biology, mycorrhizal fungi and landscaping.  Continue reading “Upcoming Trainings”
DNR Recruiting For Two Forest Health Specialists

A map showing the zones of coverage for each of the six DNR Forest Health Specialists. / Graphic Credit: Wisconsin DNR
By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications; or 608-335-0167
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has opened the search for candidates to fill two Forest Health Specialist openings, one in the West Central zone and one in the South Central zone.
The posting can be seen on the WiscJobs website. To be considered, candidates have until the posted deadline of 11:59 p.m. Monday, Jan. 6, 2025, to submit a resume and letter of qualifications.
Continue reading “DNR Recruiting For Two Forest Health Specialists”
2024 Spongy Moth Review
By Bill McNee, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Oshkosh; or 920-360-0942

A tree shows high numbers of spongy moth caterpillars, though the majority of the caterpillars have been killed either by virus (hanging in an inverted V) or fungus (hanging in a stretched line, head down). The virus and fungus helped to quell a potential outbreak in many areas of the state in 2024. / Photo Credit: Bill McNee, Wisconsin DNR
As the 2023 spongy moth season ended, there were hopes for a return to colder and wetter conditions in 2024 so that the spongy moth outbreak would decline or even come to an end.
What wound up happening in Wisconsin was the “lost winter,” the warmest since recordkeeping began in 1895. Given this warmth, there were concerns that the widespread spongy moth outbreak would continue for a third consecutive summer, with good caterpillar survival, ongoing defoliation and high rates of tree mortality in already stressed forests.
Cooperative Enlists Public To Make Tree Health A Snap
By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications, Fitchburg; or 608-335-0167

The main page of the TreeSnap app as seen on a mobile phone. / Photo Credit:
It takes more than a village to foster healthy forests. More than a township, a city and a county, too. Sometimes, even more than a state.
That’s why the Great Lakes Basin Forest Health Cooperative (GLB FHC) was formed four years ago by Holden Arboretum in Ohio and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service.
Geographically, the group’s region encompasses an area from New Jersey to Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is an active member.
Continue reading “Cooperative Enlists Public To Make Tree Health A Snap”
Forest Health and Climate Change Resources
By Carmen Hardin, Director, DNR Applied Forestry Bureau, Rhinelander;

A graphic shows changing tornado risk trends in the United States from 1980 to 2020. All Wisconsin counties are showing an increase in tornado days. / Map Credit: Inside Climate News, Stephen M. Strader et. al., Nature Magazine
We are often asked difficult questions about our forests, their health and how climate change is impacting them. Here is a curated collection of resources that may help you answer some of those questions. Continue reading “Forest Health and Climate Change Resources”