Mary Bartkowiak Retires As Forest Invasive Plant Coordinator

Photo showing Mary Bartkowiak, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' recently retired Forestry Invasive Plants Coordinator, giving a presentation on invasive plants at the University of Wisconsin's Kemp Natural Resources Station in Woodruff.

Mary Bartkowiak, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Forestry Invasive Plants Coordinator, gives a presentation on invasive plants at the University of Wisconsin’s Kemp Natural Resources Station in Woodruff on June 25. / Photo Credit: Art Kabelowsky, Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications or 608-335-0167

It seems quite fitting that a natively grown expert has spent much of the last 15 years of her career fighting the expansion of invasive plant species in Wisconsin.

Mary Bartkowiak, a Wisconsin native who joined the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in 2010 and has served as the Forest Invasive Plants Coordinator since 2020, announced her retirement in February.

“Mary has brought so much enthusiasm to the team about botany and ecology in her various roles,” DNR Forest Health team leader Becky Gray said. “Her invasive plants expertise, teaching skills and passion for the work will be greatly missed, but I’m also excited for her to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.”

Bartkowiak, who was based at the Rhinelander Service Center, earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

She joined the DNR in 2010 as a seasonal employee with Griffith Nursery in Wisconsin Rapids, working during lift season. In 2013, she joined the Forest Health team, surveying for forest health issues in northwest Wisconsin and serving as an invasive plant specialist.

She briefly left the DNR in 2014 but returned in 2016. First, she served as Organisms in Trade Coordinator with the Science Services team; she later moved to the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation.

In 2018, Bartkowiak was named an invasive plant specialist with the Forest Health team. In 2020, she moved into her final DNR role, as Forest Invasive Plant Coordinator with the Forest Health team.

“Mary is a human library when it comes to all things plants,” said Carter Hellenbrand, a DNR Forest Health invasive plant field specialist. “Erika (Segerson-Mueller, a former colleague) and I would always joke with her about how nice it would be to have a flash drive of all her botany knowledge we could plug into our own brains.

“Her extensive knowledge of botany is not the only thing I admired about her. Regardless of her situation, she approached every day of work with kindness and enthusiasm. She will be extremely missed on the Invasive Plant Squad.”

Forest invasive plant program questions should be directed to Becky Gray ( during the vacancy.

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