2025 New MFL Enrollments

New Managed Forest Law (MFL) enrollments become active at the start of the year to align with the new property tax year. There are 1,370 new enrollments for 2025! Some statistics for the new enrollments include:

Photo Credit: Linda Williams, Wisconsin DNR

  • Nearly one-third are new landowners in the MFL program, similar to recent years’ enrollments.
  • A total of 88,105 acres were added to the MFL program.
  • 1,352 enrollments are individual landowners, and 18 added land to large ownerships with at least 1,000 acres statewide.
  • The average size of the new enrollments is 61 acres for individual landowners and 302 acres for large ownerships.
  • 10,356 acres are open to the public for hunting, fishing, hiking, sight-seeing and cross-country skiing.
  • 43% (4,453 acres) of the open MFL acreage is part of a large ownerships.
  • 71% of eligible new enrollments elected to participate in the MFL Certified Group.
  • The total number of 2025 enrollments amounts to less than the 1,452 enrollments that expired at the end of 2024, but the total new acreage enrolled in MFL in 2025 is almost 15,000 acres more than the total of the acreage that expired.

The start of the year is an excellent time for new and existing MFL landowners to review some of the resources available to them. Check out these resources to understand your obligations, the MFL Certified Group and where to secure professional help:

While we look forward to the opportunities that 2025 will bring to the MFL program, let’s also recognize the accomplishments of the past year. In 2024, MFL landowners accomplished 3,874 mandatory timber harvest and thinning practices, which generated sound forest management across 65,849 acres. An additional 1,395 non-mandatory practices (e.g. timber stand improvement, site preparation, invasive species control, etc.) were completed on 23,535 acres.

Welcome to all new MFL landowners and thank you to new and existing MFL landowners for your commitment to practicing sound forestry.

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