MFL Certified Group Pesticides Update

Two forestry pesticides now have an Environmental and Social Risk Assessment (ESRA) available on the MFL Certified Group Pesticide Page courtesy of our colleagues at the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Tebufenozide is an insecticide that can be used to control spongy moth. Aminocyclopyrachlor is an herbicide used to control broadleaf plants.

Neither of these chemicals are found in the current Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)® List of Highly Hazardous Pesticides. However, MFL landowners using or considering pesticides on certified land still have responsibilities under the FSC® pesticide policy regarding Integrated Pest Management, ESRA, monitoring and reporting.

If this sounds new to you or the details are foggy, you are encouraged to read this past newsletter article on the topic and review the materials available on the MFL Certified Group Pesticide webpage.

Lastly, better late than never holds true for pesticide reporting! If you applied pesticides last year on your certified MFL property it is not too late to submit your pesticide report(s) using the online form.

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