Right Tree, Right Place

By Olivia Witthun, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator
Olivia.Witthun@wisconsin.gov or 414-750-8744

Earth Day, Arbor Day and spring are all quickly approaching, and now is the time to start thinking about your tree plantings! Choosing the proper tree for a specific location will help ensure your tree’s long-term health and survival.

Think: “Right tree, right place.” It’s an old phrase, but the message is powerful and remains true today.

When selecting the right tree for your spot, many factors must be considered. Check out Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider for a list of important considerations, such as landscape function, size and form, ornamental factors and pest issues. It even includes information on how to select high-quality trees in the nursery.

Diversity is one of the most important factors as it increases the resiliency of the landscape. The DNR’s Urban Tree Planting Resources document provides tree lists and other information on species diversity.  Additionally, check out the Wisconsin Community Tree Map to see what types of trees are planted in your area. It will help you determine what varieties will increase the overall diversity in your community.

Choosing trees with the largest canopy possible (when mature) that will fit into your selected planting spot is a good idea. This maximizes the health and environmental benefits your future tree will provide. Also, be sure to look up so you’re not planting tall trees under any utility wires. Be sure to measure out for the mature width so you don’t plant too close to your driveway. It is also imperative to contact your local utility company to have your property marked for underground utilities.

Each tree species has specific site requirements (e.g., hardiness zone, soil preferences and light tolerances). Matching the tree you select to the planting site will maximize its success. Furthermore, you likely have your own preferences, such as fall color, flowers, fruit and nuts. All of these attributes (and more!) can be entered into Morton Arboretum’s Tree & Plant Selector to sort out choices appropriate for your site.

By utilizing this information and the resources below, you are setting up your newly planted trees to thrive, not just survive! And make sure to enter the trees you plant into the Wisconsin Tree Planting Map so that they count towards Wisconsin’s goal of planting 100 million trees by 2030!

Happy planting!

Additional Resources

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