Community Forest Corps Funding Opportunities Available

As part of the USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry’s Inflation Reduction Act Program, the Center for Regenerative Solutions and Urban Sustainability Directors Network opened the application for capacity building and workforce development grants for communities to accelerate urban forestry through the launch and management of Community Forestry Corps youth employment programs.

Potential grant recipients should submit an application for a period of performance beginning Jan. 1, 2025 and completed by Dec. 31, 2027. Applicants can choose to receive funding for one or both of the following programs:

  • Community Forest Corps sustains tree canopy in climate-vulnerable communities by empowering and employing youth to simultaneously provide community-based tree care and protection while also gathering critical urban heat data essential to developing urban forestry-based cooling strategies.
  • Urban Forestry Equity Fellowship Program places individuals from diverse backgrounds in jurisdictions that have demonstrated suitable progress toward implementing urban forestry initiatives and are committed to collecting urban heat data and enhancing tree care and maintenance through Community Forest Corps.

Available Funding

Individual sub-awards will range from a minimum of $100,000 to a maximum of $600,000 total over a 3-year period, depending on the scope of work, project work areas, partnerships engaged, and capabilities of the applicant. A minimum of $5.5 million in total funding is available. Cost-share or match is not a requirement for your sub-award agreement.


  • July 30 – Applications Open
  • Aug. 30 – Applications must be submitted by 5pm ET
  • Early October – Accepted applicants are notified and receive Grant Agreements
  • Early October – CFC/Fellowship Grantee cohort is announced publicly

Grant Eligibility

All municipal/county-level jurisdictions, Tribes*, and community-based nonprofit organizations are eligible. All work must directly impact disadvantaged communities as defined by the EPA IRA Disadvantaged Communities Map.

*Tribes are defined as: Federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations/villages, Tribal organizations as defined in 25USC 5304 (I) and operating within the United States or its territories, and organizations working in Tribal communities.

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