CISMA Events For August, September

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center; or 715-492-0391

A chart showing Wisconsin's different Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas boundaries.When it comes to fighting invasive plants, Wisconsin’s CISMAs (Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas) are often the first line of defense (and offense). These regional groups provide a localized resource for landowners looking for invasive plant education, identification support and assistance with controlling invasives on their properties.

With 13 CISMAs operating throughout Wisconsin, these groups accomplish a lot each year. Each CISMA’s offerings range from fieldwork outings and landowner education workshops to tool-share programs and day-long, control-based field trips.

Ready to get involved with your local CISMA? Check out their website or social media for updates or contact the coordinator to join a group.

Check out the list of CISMA-based events coming up in August and September. More information for each event can be found on the respective CISMA’s website.

DCIST (Door County Invasive Species Team): Door County

Invasive Species Volunteer Workdays at The Ridges: Aug. 13 and Sept. 17

Location: Cook-Albert Fuller Nature Center

Come help with invasive species projects at The Ridges! Work will involve removing and bagging invasive plants. Wear appropriate footwear, pants and long sleeves. Gloves, bag and tools will be provided.

MCISWG (Monroe County Invasive Species Working Group): Jackson County

Field day: Thursday, Aug. 8

Location: Cranberry Research Center, County Hwy. O, Black River Falls

The Monroe County Invasive Species Working Group will hold a field day at the Cranberry Research Center from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8. Visit their website for more information and contact coordinator Clint Gilman to RSVP.

SEWISC (Southeast Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium): Kenosha, Ozaukee, Milwaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha counties

2024 SEWISC Fall Invasive Plant Management Workshop: Sept. 13

Location: UW Waukesha Field Station (Registration required).

A hands-on, bring-your-own lunch class, this Invasive Plant Management Workshop is offered twice annually. Registration is limited to 20, so sign up quickly if you want to attend.

SC-RC CWMA (St. Croix – Red Cedar Cooperative Weed Management Area) and Wild Rivers Conservancy: St. Croix, Polk, Barron, Washburn and Burnett counties

Invasive Species Paddle: Aug. 18

Location: State Hwy. 70 Landing (Registration required).

Join Maria Young, the Wild Rivers Conservancy’s Invasive Species Coordinator and coordinator of SC-RC CWMA, for a paddle on the St. Croix River. Learn invasive plant identification and their impact on the ecosystem of the river as you paddle.

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