Award Announcements

Invasive Species Action Award

The Wisconsin Invasive Species Council is accepting nominations for the 21st annual Invasive Species Action Awards now through Feb. 16, 2025.

Award recipients are Wisconsin residents and organizations that have made significant contributions to preventing, controlling or eradicating invasive species that harm Wisconsin’s native wildlife, wetlands, forests, prairies, lakes and rivers.

Nominees can be individuals, groups or organizations that have demonstrated exemplary efforts to address issues surrounding terrestrial and aquatic invasive species.

To submit a nomination, download and fill out the form available on the Wisconsin Invasive Species Council’s webpage. The deadline for submissions is midnight on Feb. 16, 2025.

 LEAF School Forest Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2024 School Forest Awards. These awards recognize individuals and organizations that have provided leadership and made significant contributions over a period of years to a local school forest registered through Wisconsin’s School Forest Program.

To nominate a candidate, complete the application on the website. All nominations are due by Friday, Jan. 24, 2025.


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