Forest Products Calendar of Events

Kiln Drying Short Course: Drying Quality Lumber – Aug. 17-19, 2022

Great Lakes Kiln Drying Association will be offering a Kiln Drying Short Course in Antigo, Wisconsin, Aug. 17-19, 2022. This workshop is packed with valuable and important information for kiln operators and managers. The variety and quality of the information make this a must attend event. The workshop will focus on drying systems, controlling lumber quality, species specific drying, wood structure and drying science. Over twenty breakout topics will be covered to help you maintain a successful kiln operation.
For more information and to register, visit:

Forest Products Sales Workshop – Aug. 25, 2022

LSLA Education will be offering a one-day Forest Products Sales Workshop on Aug. 25, 2022, in Woodruff, Wisconsin. Those attending this training session will learn about the forest products industry, how personal selling fits into the overall marketing function, the basics of personal selling, and methods of identifying new customers. The course is designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of sales personnel. It is intended for new sales and marketing personnel or those wishing to improve their sales skills.
For more information and to register, visit:

GLTPA Logging Congress – Sept. 8-10, 2022

The Great Lakes Logging & Heavy Equipment Expo is a 3-day expo happening Sept. 8-10 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. More than 300 indoor and outdoor exhibitors attend each year to showcase the best of the best when it comes to Log Splitters, Portable Sawmills, Compact Tractors & Logging Equipment, Chainsaw Carving, Wood/Pellet Stove Dealers and more.
For more information, visit:

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