New DNR Forest Products Services Team Leader Named

Scott Lyon is the new leader of the Forest Products Services team.

Scott Lyon is the new leader of the Forest Products Services team.

The new year started with Scott Lyon taking over the helm of the Forest Products Services team. As the team leader, Scott will lead, direct and administer all policy, personnel and budget activities of the Forest Products Services Program. Scott will continue to work out of the Green Bay Service Center.

For the last nine years, he has worked as a forest products specialist with the DNR, helping industry partners improve processes, source wood products materials, utilize urban wood and providing training and assistance to companies and individuals. He previously worked in wood products sales and manufacturing domestically and internationally. Scott earned a bachelor’s degree in wood products business and marketing from Penn State and a master’s degree in forest products from Virginia Tech with an emphasis in international marketing. Scott recently completed the Leadership Academy training within the agency. As a result of his professional network, his connections span the geography of the U.S. and even reach internationally. In 2018, he was identified by the Woodworking Network on the “Woodworking Industry 40 Under 40” list as an innovator and relationship builder.

He currently serves on the Lake States Lumber Association as a board member of the Education Committee. He was also recently elected secretary of the Great Lakes Kiln Drying Association and secretary of the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance’s Forest Markets and Utilization Committee.

Scott lives in Green Bay with his wife and their new baby boy and their dogs. Scott’s hobbies include hunting, fishing, hiking, paddling and traveling to visit U.S. national parks and battlefields.

Previously, Collin Buntrock served as the program’s team leader. Collin left the DNR in August to join the U.S. Forest Service as a wood innovations specialist.

Where Are Wisconsin’s Forest Products Going? A Closer Look At International Trade

By Ram Dahal (, DNR Forest Economist, Forest Product Services

Wisconsin’s forest industry creates $24 billion of products each year. Historically, more than $1 billion of that total has included products sold internationally. However, did you know that in most years, Wisconsin imports forest products of an even greater value from international sellers?

Wisconsin’s international trade balance deficit exceeded $300 million in 2009, immediately following the Great Recession, but the deficit declined until 2012. In fact, Wisconsin had a trade surplus in 2012 but quickly resumed importing more forestry commodities than it was exporting (Fig. 1).

Wisconsin forest products foreign import export trend (left) and trade balance (right). / Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Figure 1: Wisconsin forest products foreign import export trend (left) and trade balance (right). / Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Continue reading “Where Are Wisconsin’s Forest Products Going? A Closer Look At International Trade”

Financial Support Available For Businesses Affected By Lack Of Snow

According to a press release from Gov. Tony Evers, many Wisconsin businesses might be eligible for a “federal disaster loan program” if they have suffered financial losses due to this winter’s unusually mild winter. The U.S. Small Business Administration has a list of counties attached to the press release where businesses are eligible to receive the financial relief. Learn more about the program.

Wisconsin Tree Leaders Recognized For Exceptional Community Service

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council recently announced its annual awards honoring those dedicated to protecting, preserving and increasing the number of trees that line city streets, fill community parks and beautify neighborhoods throughout the state.

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council advises the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on managing urban and community forest resources.

Governor Tony Evers was on hand to recognize award recipients. / Photo Credit: Joanne Edmundson

“These awards recognize individuals, associations and partnerships that play an imperative role in the celebration of urban forestry excellence within the state of Wisconsin,” said Lee Fredericks, Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council Award Committee Chair. “The passion, commitment and efforts of this year’s award winners have vastly contributed to making our urban forests a highlight in communities for decades to come.” Continue reading “Wisconsin Tree Leaders Recognized For Exceptional Community Service”

DNR Urban Forestry Program Announces Second Round Of 2024 Grant Recipients

By Nicolle Spafford, DNR Urban Forestry Grants Manager or 715-896-7099

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the second round of Urban Forestry Grant Program recipients for the 2024 grant year. The program helps fund projects consistent with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy.

The Urban Forestry Grant Program awarded $143,362 to seven Wisconsin communities for urban forestry projects.

Most of the funding ($139,920) was originally reserved for the Catastrophic Storm Grant Program but was not needed through the winter months. The rest of the funding ($3,442) came from carryover funding.

Continue reading “DNR Urban Forestry Program Announces Second Round Of 2024 Grant Recipients”

The i-Tree Open Academy Returns In March 2024

Whether your work with trees involves planting, managing, funding, educating or beyond, i-Tree can help you better understand the benefits that trees provide, the impacts of where those benefits are and how to apply that science to your project goals.

The i-Tree Open Academy virtual learning series is back for spring 2024, with everything you need to explore the latest from the i-Tree suite of tools. Learn more and sign up on the i-Tree website. Continue reading “The i-Tree Open Academy Returns In March 2024”

Do You Have A Gardening Question? UW Extension Has Answers

By Peggy Damann, Wisconsin Extension Statewide Horticulture Outreach Specialist,

flower garden

The Wisconsin Extension Horticulture Program provides plant health advising services through the online Ask Your Gardening Question webpage on the Extension Horticulture website. Members of the public can submit their lawn, landscape and gardening questions and photos, which are then routed to the appropriate county, multi-county or statewide Extension person or program. This service may be of interest to your urban residents and homeowners looking for answers to their yard tree questions.

Funding Available For Nature-based Climate Solutions

The Daybreak Fund was launched in 2023 to advance nature-based solutions to climate change in the Western Lake Michigan region. Geographically, the Daybreak Fund targets watersheds within the Lake Michigan Basin in Wisconsin and in Lake County in far northern Illinois. After making an initial round of grants last fall, the Daybreak Fund is now accepting pre-applications for 2024. Continue reading “Funding Available For Nature-based Climate Solutions”

Share ‘A Day In The Life’ To Highlight Your Career In Urban Forestry

The Wisconsin Forestry Center (WFC) is seeking forestry professionals to create 90-second videos showing an authentic representation of a day in your life as you go about your job duties. The videos will be posted on the WFC’s Facebook and Instagram accounts to promote awareness of forestry jobs and foster workforce development. Check with your employer to obtain approval and email to get involved. Continue reading “Share ‘A Day In The Life’ To Highlight Your Career In Urban Forestry”