Bernie Williams Retirement

Bernie Williams

Bernie Williams was the Forest Health Team’s worm specialist.

By Becky Gray, DNR Forest Health Team Leader, Fitchburg, or 608-220-3022

While Bernie Williams might yet become a famous artist or comedian, her work with the DNR Forest Health Program was retired on Aug. 29, 2022. Bernie reached minor celebrity status through her presentations on invasive plants and worms across Wisconsin and the country. She was awarded for Outstanding Contribution to Accomplishing the Division of Forestry’s Purpose in 2018 because of her role with the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Invasive Species, NR40 and her dedication to outreach and education. We are really going to miss Bernie’s humor and crazy stories and wish her all the best as she takes her garden, bees and travels to the next level!

For invasive plant questions, please contact Mary Bartkowiak or Jaqi Christopher. For worm questions, please contact Scott Schumacher.

Avoid Ash Trees When Placing Deer Stands

By Bill McNee, DNR Forest Health Specialist, or 920-360-0942

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) cautions hunters to avoid placing deer stands in or near ash trees this deer season as they start scouting properties.

Hunter in trees

It is important to place and maintain tree stands carefully as you prepare for this upcoming hunting season. Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

Continue reading “Avoid Ash Trees When Placing Deer Stands”

Check Conifer Trees For Severe Root Disease

By Michael Hillstrom, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Fitchburg,

Considered one of the most destructive diseases of conifers in the northern hemisphere, Heterobasidion root disease (HRD) is very difficult to control once established in a forest. Infestation of a conifer stand may significantly impact stand management, making early detection essential.

A pine stump with a Heterobasidion root disease fruit body with old brown growth in the center and new, bright white growth along the edges.

A Heterobasidion root disease (HRD) fruit body with new white growth observed in the fall. Photo: Wisconsin DNR

Continue reading “Check Conifer Trees For Severe Root Disease”

DNR Accepting Seedling Orders For Spring 2023 Starting Oct. 3

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will accept seedling orders from Wisconsin landowners for planting trees and shrubs in spring 2023 starting Oct. 3, 2022. The high-quality seedlings are native species appropriate for planting throughout Wisconsin and grown at the F.G. Wilson State Nursery in Boscobel.

Seedlings grown by the state nurseries are used for reforestation and conservation plantings on private, public and tribal lands. These seedlings can provide future forest products and revenues, wildlife habitat, soil erosion control, living snow fences, carbon sequestration, aesthetics and shade to landowners and managers in every county. Continue reading “DNR Accepting Seedling Orders For Spring 2023 Starting Oct. 3”

New DNR Publication: Results of the 2020 Diverse Urban Species Survey

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) just released a new publication: Results of the 2020 Diverse Urban Species Survey.

You may have participated in this survey led by DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator Don Kissinger in 2020 (if so, thank you!) Wisconsin municipalities with more than 2,500 residents were asked a series of questions about the types of trees they prefer to plant (such as root stock type and caliper size), which lesser-used species they had successfully planted, which species they cannot find but would like to plant, and whether they use a gravel bed. Continue reading “New DNR Publication: Results of the 2020 Diverse Urban Species Survey”

DNR Leads Milwaukee Heat Mapping Project

Mitchell Park Domes. Credit: WDNR

Wisconsin DNR urban forest assessment specialist Dan Buckler had been monitoring weather forecasts for a month, waiting for just the right blisteringly hot day to launch a much-anticipated Milwaukee heat island mapping project. He’d been laser-focused on getting the one-day blitz in the books, and July 21 turned out to be go time.

The urban heat island effect explains the phenomenon that densely developed urban spaces are warmer than outlying places due to man-made surfaces (such as asphalt) absorbing and reradiating heat through the day and night. Trees are one method of reducing urban temperatures by providing shade and by putting more water vapor into the air via evapotranspiration.

Continue reading “DNR Leads Milwaukee Heat Mapping Project”

Submit an Urban Forestry Council Award Nomination Today!

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting nominations for the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council 2023 Awards until October 31, 2022.

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council is responsible for advising the DNR on the best ways to preserve, protect, expand, and improve Wisconsin’s urban and community forest resources. Every year, the council presents annual awards to outstanding individuals, organizations, communities, and tribes that further urban forestry in Wisconsin. The awards are announced each year at the annual Wisconsin Urban Forestry Conference and are presented to winners in their community. Continue reading “Submit an Urban Forestry Council Award Nomination Today!”

Reminder: 2023 DNR Urban Forestry Grant Applications Open

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or conducting their project in Wisconsin are encouraged to apply for a regular or startup 2023 Department of Natural Resources Urban Forestry Grant!

The grants range from $1,000 to $25,000, and grant recipients must match each grant dollar for dollar. A startup grant of up to $5,000 is available for communities that want to start or restart a community forestry program. Grants are awarded to projects that align with state and national goals for increasing the urban forest canopy and the benefits it provides.  

Applications are accepted now until Oct. 3, 2022. To view the application and apply visit the Urban Forestry Grant’s website. If you have questions regarding application process and eligible projects, contact your DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator or Budget and Grant Specialist.

Grant Funds Available For Community EAB Management

By: Abigail Krause, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator

As more detections of emerald ash borer (EAB) are confirmed in Wisconsin’s northern counties, many communities are just starting to address the management consequences that others having been dealing with for more than a decade. Members of the communities in which you live and work may vaguely know of you as “that one person that knows things about trees.” As such you may get asked: are there any cost-share funds or programs out there to help communities deal with EAB?

The answer is yes! Urban Forestry’s grants can be utilized for EAB related projects. Extra great news: urban forestry regular and startup grants are accepting applications until Monday, Oct. 3.

Continue reading “Grant Funds Available For Community EAB Management”

Look For Spongy Moth Egg Masses – Larger Outbreak Possible in 2023

By: Bill McNee, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Oshkosh or 920-360-0942

Three tan-colored spongy moth egg masses on a single tree branch in Walworth County.

Three spongy moth egg masses on a branch in Walworth County. Photo Credit: Bill McNee, Wisconsin DNR

Now that spongy moth* (formerly known as gypsy moth) egg laying is complete for 2022, it’s a good time to look for and dispose of egg masses produced by adult moths over the past two months.

Spongy moth egg masses are tan-colored lumps about the size of a nickel or quarter, and are found on trees, buildings and other outdoor objects. They may also be found in protected places such as firewood piles and birdhouses. Newly produced egg masses will feel firm and appear darker in color than older egg masses, which appear faded, feel spongy and do not contain viable eggs. The current-year egg masses will not hatch until next spring.

In 2022, Wisconsin’s spongy moth population grew for a third consecutive summer due to favorable weather conditions and limited caterpillar mortality from diseases. The outbreak was most dramatic in opposite ends of the state. In southern and southeast Wisconsin, several thousand oak-dominated acres were heavily defoliated and very large numbers of property owner reports were received by DNR staff. In Bayfield County, about 80,000 acres of rural defoliation was reported from aspen-dominated forests. Smaller patches of defoliation were also reported from several other counties. Continue reading “Look For Spongy Moth Egg Masses – Larger Outbreak Possible in 2023”