Did you know?

Keep Watering In Fall To Protect Trees

By Lisa Johnson, Horticulture Outreach Specialist, Extension Dane County; Johnson.Lisa@danecounty.gov

‘Winter burn’ refers to a type of damage to evergreen foliage that typically occurs over winter. Common symptoms are browning and dying from the tips of the foliage inward. Several factors cause winter burn on evergreens, including winter ‘thaws’ while the ground is frozen, dry soil in autumn, a long period of very cold temperatures, winter sun on evergreen foliage or drying winter winds, poor siting of susceptible plants, recent planting/transplanting and the individual plant’s susceptibility. Frequently affected plants include yews, junipers, boxwood, arborvitae, rhododendrons, dwarf Alberta spruce and hemlock. Continue reading “Keep Watering In Fall To Protect Trees”

Improving Employee Well-being With Exposure To Trees And Nature

By Olivia Witthun, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator; Olivia.Witthun@wisconsin.gov or 414-750-8744

Employee attitudes and well-being improve with exposure to nature. Think about it. Every weekday we commute to work, only to be met by a dark cubicle in shades of beige and grey. Ever wonder why your mood starts to match the walls? It’s because the workplace environment contributes to employee health. We’ve known this to be true (anecdotally) for a long time, but mounting scientific evidence proves our urban and community forests have beneficial effects on employee performance. Continue reading “Improving Employee Well-being With Exposure To Trees And Nature”

Take In Wisconsin’s Beautiful Bounty Of Fall Colors

Photo of a trail at Sheboygan's Kohler-Andrae State Park with fallen leaves all around.

Fall colors set a trail at Sheboygan’s Kohler-Andrae State Park ablaze in 2021. / Photo Credit: Bill McNee, Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Forest Health Outreach and Communications,
Fitchburg; Arthur.Kabelowsky@wisconsin.gov, 608-335-0167

Once again, it’s time for nature’s majestic paintbrush to spread its magic across Wisconsin.

Many of the state’s trees have begun to show off their amazing fall colors, brightening the view for state residents and visitors everywhere – from the restful resplendence of our urban areas and state properties to the drive-by dazzlement of our tree-lined country roads.

“It’s a brilliant and colorful display,” said Scott Lyon, leader of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Products team. “The Badger State is home to many deciduous hardwood species which change colors and lose their leaves as the seasons change, including maple, oaks, hickories and aspen.”

Continue reading “Take In Wisconsin’s Beautiful Bounty Of Fall Colors”

Winter Squirrel Damage Killing Maple Branches

By Linda Williams, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Woodruff
Linda.Williams@wisconsin.gov or 920-360-0665

Two photos show maple branches that died recently due to previous damage from squirrels.

Two photos show maple branches that died recently due to previous damage from squirrels. / Photo Credit: Linda Williams, Wisconsin DNR

Have you noticed maple branches suddenly dying this summer?

Sudden mortality of maple branches during the summer in northern Wisconsin is often a result of squirrel damage that occurred in late winter and early spring.

In late winter and early spring, gray squirrels strip the bark of maples to get at the sweet maple sap. When the damage is extensive or severe, entire trees or branches will be killed immediately and will not leaf out in the spring.

Continue reading “Winter Squirrel Damage Killing Maple Branches”

CISMAs Plan Invasive Plant Events

When it comes to fighting invasive plants, Wisconsin’s Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) are often the first line of defense (and offense).

These regional groups provide a localized resource for landowners looking for invasive plant education, identification support and assistance with controlling invasives on their properties.

Continue reading “CISMAs Plan Invasive Plant Events”

Japanese Stilt Grass An Aggressive New Invasive

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center
Erika.Segersonmueller@wisconsin.gov or 715-492-0391

The slightly off-center silvery midrib of Japanese stilt grass leaves provides a key to identification. / Photo Credit: Leslie J. Merhoff, University of Connecticut, Bugwood.org

Want an advantage over your taller friends? Try propping yourself up on a pair of stilts. As its name suggests, this is precisely how Japanese stilt grass operates. It uses “stilts” (branching rootlets near its base) both as support and to sprawl over nearby plants.

Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum) is an invasive, warm-season annual grass. It grows one to three feet tall and has an aggressive, mat-like growth that creates dense patches and discourages native plants from establishing. It is also a prolific seed producer, with each plant producing up to 1,000 seeds that can easily spread over land and water during its growing season.

Continue reading “Japanese Stilt Grass An Aggressive New Invasive”

Forest Health Public Appearance Set

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications, Fitchburg
Arthur.Kabelowsky@wisconsin.gov or 608-335-0167

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Health team leader Becky Gray will discuss invasives during a presentation to the Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium, set for Wednesday, Nov. 6, at Havenwoods State Forest in Milwaukee. / Photo Credit: Art Kabelowsky, Wisconsin DNR

Forest Health team leader Becky Gray has planned an appearance at a public meeting of the Southeastern Wisconsin Invasive Species Consortium (SEWISC). She’ll give a presentation covering invasives on a statewide level.

The event will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6, at Havenwoods State Forest, 6141 N. Hopkins St., Milwaukee, WI. More information is available on the SEWISC website.

Williams to appear at WWOA event: Linda Williams will take part in a Field Day event to discuss oak and pine issues during the four-day Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association meeting, set for Sept. 26-29 in Marshfield and Stevens Point. Four tours will take place Sept. 27; the Field Day will take place Sept. 29 at Pine Bluff Tree Farm in Stevens Point.

The event is open to the public. For more information, visit the event’s website or call 715-346-4798.

Squirrels Love Acorn Pip Galls And Weevils

By Linda Williams, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Woodruff
Linda.Williams@wisconsin.gov or 920-360-0665

Closeup photo of six acorns. One still has pip galls; the others have had their pip galls eaten by squirrels.

The acorn farthest on the right has pip galls. Squirrels ate the pip galls from the other acorns. / Photo Credit: Linda Williams, Wisconsin DNR

Several areas in northern Wisconsin have reported significant acorn drop. In almost all cases, these acorns have been damaged by either pip galls or acorn weevils.

Squirrels enjoy feeding on pip galls and will pluck those acorns off the tree, rip off the cap, eat the pip gall and drop the rest of the acorn to the ground. Squirrels will also seek out acorns infested by acorn weevils. They will open those acorns, eat the larvae and then drop the rest of the acorn to the ground.

Continue reading “Squirrels Love Acorn Pip Galls And Weevils”

Which Thistle Is This Thistle?

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center;
erika.segersonmueller@wisconsin.gov or 715-492-0391

With 10 thistle species present in Wisconsin, it can be tricky to determine which thistle is which. You may be tempted to control every thistle you see, assuming all types are invasive. But Wisconsin also has native thistles that provide valuable habitat and food for small birds and butterflies.

Thistles are either biennials (following a two-year life cycle) or perennials (regrowing every spring). They have lobed, spiny leaves and sometimes spiny stems. Thistles have composite flowers, with each flowerhead being composed of many tiny flowers, or florets.

Read on a for an overview of invasive thistles found in Wisconsin so you can stop wondering: Which thistle is this thistle? Continue reading “Which Thistle Is This Thistle?”

CISMA Events For August, September

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center;
erika.segersonmueller@wisconsin.gov or 715-492-0391

A chart showing Wisconsin's different Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas boundaries.When it comes to fighting invasive plants, Wisconsin’s CISMAs (Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas) are often the first line of defense (and offense). These regional groups provide a localized resource for landowners looking for invasive plant education, identification support and assistance with controlling invasives on their properties. Continue reading “CISMA Events For August, September”