
Urban Forestry Internship Application Period Now Open

The application period is now open for hundreds of internships with the state of Wisconsin, including two positions with the DNR’s Urban Forestry program!

The urban forest interns will focus on data collection and analysis projects to expand our knowledge of the sustainable management of community forests. Daily work will mostly consist of different tree inventory projects, with opportunities to learn about the wider forestry and urban forestry fields in Wisconsin. Continue reading “Urban Forestry Internship Application Period Now Open”

2024 Forest Health Annual Report Published

The cover of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' 2024 Forest Health Annual Report.

The cover of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ 2024 Forest Health Annual Report. / Graphic Credit: Wisconsin DNR

By Art Kabelowsky, DNR Outreach and Communications, Fitchburg or 608-335-0167

Hot off the digital presses, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has made its 2024 Forest Health Annual Report ready for review and download.

This year’s edition contains 58 pages of reporting on forest health issues throughout Wisconsin, detailing methods employed by the DNR and other agencies to control pests and diseases.

Continue reading “2024 Forest Health Annual Report Published”

Forest Health and Climate Change Resources

By Carmen Hardin, Director, DNR Applied Forestry Bureau, Rhinelander;

A graphic shows changing tornado risk trends in the United States from 1980 to 2020. All Wisconsin counties are showing an increase in tornado days.

A graphic shows changing tornado risk trends in the United States from 1980 to 2020. All Wisconsin counties are showing an increase in tornado days. / Map Credit: Inside Climate News, Stephen M. Strader et. al., Nature Magazine

We are often asked difficult questions about our forests, their health and how climate change is impacting them. Here is a curated collection of resources that may help you answer some of those questions. Continue reading “Forest Health and Climate Change Resources”

A Busy Summer For Urban Forestry Interns

By Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist; or (608) 445-4578

Every year, the summer ends faster than one could pronounce Liquidambar styraciflua, and this year was no exception. Hopefully, while you are trying to recall proper Latin pronunciations, your summer is still filled with enjoyable, productive or illuminating activities. That was certainly the case for the DNR Urban Forestry summer internship program. This summer, staff worked with Southern University students Taylor Colman and Priscilla Loh on a variety of different data collection projects, filling the internship’s eight weeks with species identification, tree mensuration and tree health assessments. Continue reading “A Busy Summer For Urban Forestry Interns”

DNR Urban Forestry Council Welcomes New Members

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)’s Division of Forestry recently welcomed two new members to the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council and said farewell to several members who contributed much to the council. In addition, eight council members renewed their commitment for another 3-year term.

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council is an advisory committee to the DNR’s Division of Forestry, guiding the best ways to preserve, protect, expand and improve Wisconsin’s urban and community forest resources. The council is comprised of 23 people appointed by the Secretary of the DNR.

Continue reading “DNR Urban Forestry Council Welcomes New Members”

The Urban Forestry Council Award Nomination Form Is Now Online

Governor Tony Evers made a surprise appearance to congratulate the 2024 Urban Forestry Council and Wisconsin Arborist Association award winners.

The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council is comprised of municipal employees, elected officials, nursery operators, arborists and others who advise the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on the best ways to preserve, protect, expand and improve Wisconsin’s urban and community forest resources.

Every year, the council bestows several awards to recognize and thank individuals and organizations across Wisconsin for their work and commitment to community forests and the economic benefits they provide. Individuals, organizations, communities and tribes that further urban forestry in Wisconsin are eligible. The awards are announced each year at the annual Wisconsin Urban Forestry Conference.

Nominations are now being accepted online for the 2025 awards and must be submitted by Oct. 31, 2024. Continue reading “The Urban Forestry Council Award Nomination Form Is Now Online”

DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator Tracy Salisbury Retires

Congratulations to Tracy Salisbury, who began her retirement in May. Tracy has been with the DNR as an urban forestry coordinator in northeast Wisconsin since 1998.

“I enjoyed working with a variety of customers in my service area for the past 26 years,” Tracy said. “I had the opportunity to collaborate with the Green Bay Packers, American Transmission Company, Rotary Clubs and others on various projects. It was never a dull moment in the division’s urban forestry program!” Continue reading “DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator Tracy Salisbury Retires”

Urban Forestry Welcomes Jay Dampier As New IRA Grant Coordinator

Jay Dampier joined the Urban Forestry Team on June 3 as the new Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) grant coordinator. This is a federally funded project position that will be overseeing $4 million of federally funded grants awarded to Wisconsin communities, tribes and nonprofits. These IRA funds were allocated to the urban forestry program by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service in 2023. As part of the Justice 40 Initiative, 100% of the funds will be used to improve the urban forest resources and lives of those living in disadvantaged communities throughout the state. Continue reading “Urban Forestry Welcomes Jay Dampier As New IRA Grant Coordinator”

Share ‘A Day In The Life’ To Highlight Your Career In Urban Forestry

The Wisconsin Forestry Center (WFC) is seeking forestry professionals to create 90-second videos showing an authentic representation of a day in your life as you go about your job duties. The videos will be posted on the WFC’s Facebook and Instagram accounts to promote awareness of forestry jobs and foster workforce development. Check with your employer to obtain approval and email to get involved. Continue reading “Share ‘A Day In The Life’ To Highlight Your Career In Urban Forestry”

DNR Welcomes New Urban Forestry Coordinator In Milwaukee

By Jeff Roe, DNR Urban Forestry Team Leader, Madison; or 608-535-7582

Elton RogersI am pleased to announce that Elton Rogers has accepted the Southeast Regional Urban Forestry Coordinator position. Elton is based in Milwaukee and his first day was Jan. 16.

Elton holds a bachelor’s degree in geography from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and has
earned a graduate certificate in urban forestry from Oregon State University. Additionally, he is
in the final stages of completing his graduate research project to obtain a Master of Natural
Resources degree with an emphasis in urban forestry.

For the past five years, Elton has been a lead faculty member and full-time instructor at Milwaukee
Area Technical College, teaching in both the Landscape Horticulture associate degree program
and the Arborist Apprenticeship program. He is also an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist and
has held various roles in municipal urban forestry programs throughout his professional career.
He is eager to continue collaborating with municipalities, nonprofits and other organizations in
southeastern Wisconsin to help establish and maintain a resilient urban forest.

Outside work, he enjoys exploring local nature preserves with his wife and two kids. A couple of
his hobbies include disc golfing and rope splicing.

You can get a hold of Elton at or 414-294-8675.