Taking action

Answering Common Emerald Ash Borer Yard Tree Questions

By Abby Krause, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator; Abigail.Krause@wisconsin.gov or 608-556-5690

This summer’s detection of emerald ash borer (EAB) in Burnett County means our little metallic friend (or should I say foe?) is now known to be present statewide. While EAB has been around for the better part of two decades in Wisconsin, many homeowners are still in the thick of dealing with the fallout from this invasive pest. The management options for a handful of individual yard trees are quite different than dealing with ash in rural forests. Below is info to help with some frequently asked questions you may receive from residents, neighbors, family, friends and anyone else you may be known to as “that tree person.” Continue reading “Answering Common Emerald Ash Borer Yard Tree Questions”

Heterobasidion Root Disease Found In Door County

Two photos of the same spot on a tree in Door County, showing Heterobasidion root disease fruiting bodies (left) and the basal wound beneath them (right).

Two photos of the same spot on a tree in Door County, showing Heterobasidion root disease fruiting bodies (left) and the basal wound beneath them (right). / Photo Credits: Bill McNee, Wisconsin DNR

By Bill McNee, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Oshkosh;
Bill.McNee@wisconsin.gov or 920-360-0942

Heterobasidion root disease (HRD), formerly known as annosum root rot, was recently found in Door County for the first time.

In mid-September, several suspected HRD fruiting bodies were spotted in a white spruce plantation on privately owned land in the town of Sevastopol. One cluster of fruiting bodies located at the base of a dead spruce was confirmed as Heterobasidion irregulare, the fungal pathogen that causes HRD. The other fruiting bodies were identified as a native decay fungus that has a similar appearance.

Continue reading “Heterobasidion Root Disease Found In Door County”

Urban Forestry Council Award Nominations Due Oct. 31

Urban Forestry Council Award WinnersThe Urban Forestry Council presents annual awards to outstanding individuals, organizations, communities and tribes that further urban forestry in Wisconsin. Awards are presented in the categories of Next Gen, Project Partnerships, Lifetime Achievement, Innovations in Urban Forestry, Leadership and new this year, Species Diversity. Continue reading “Urban Forestry Council Award Nominations Due Oct. 31”

Tree City USA Updates

Tree City USA Interactive Map

Do you know how many Tree City USA communities are in Wisconsin or the longest-running Tree City USA in the state? Find this and other eye-opening information by visiting the new Arbor Day Foundation interactive Tree City USA map. Tree City USA statistics and fun facts are now available for the entire nation, as well as individual states, using this online tool.

Submit Your Tree City USA Application 

The Tree City USA program provides communities with a four-step framework to maintain and grow their tree cover. It also provides an avenue to celebrate accomplishments, showing residents, visitors and the entire country their commitment to the mission of environmental change. Continue reading “Tree City USA Updates”

DNR Deer And Geese Damage Abatement And Control Grants Now Open

Urban Wildlife Damage Abatement and Control grants help urban areas develop wildlife plans, implement specific damage abatement and/or control measures for white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese. They are available to any town, city, village, county or tribal government in an urban area. This grant provides a 50% cost share up to $5,000 for eligible costs. The application deadline is Dec. 1, 2024. Continue reading “DNR Deer And Geese Damage Abatement And Control Grants Now Open”

DNR Announces Recipients Of Wisconsin Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm Grants

By Nicolle R. Spafford, DNR Urban Forestry Grants Manager; Nicolle.Spafford@wisconsin.gov or 715-896-7099

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced the recipients of the Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm Grants to assist with damage sustained during statewide extreme storm events that took place June 21-25, 2024. Continue reading “DNR Announces Recipients Of Wisconsin Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm Grants”

First Downs For Trees Celebrates 14 Years

By Patricia Lindquist, Urban Forestry Coordinator; patricia.lindquist@wisconsin.gov or (715) 574-1314

Group planOn Aug. 20, 2024, the First Downs for Trees program celebrated its 14th year with a ceremonial tree planting at Amelia Cornelius Park, Oneida Nation. The program is a cooperative effort between the DNR, the Green Bay Packers, Wisconsin Public Service and corporate sponsor Green Bay Packaging, Inc. The donated trees offset the Packers’ carbon footprint when flying to away games.

In 2024, 402 landscape-sized trees were planted by sixteen communities: Allouez, Ashwaubenon, Bellevue, Brown County, De Pere, Green Bay, Hobart, Howard, Lawrence, Ledgeview, Morrison, Oneida, Pulaski, Scott, Suamico and Wrightstown. The trees were provided by Meacham and Leaves Inspired nurseries. Since its inception, the First Downs for Trees program has donated 7,194 trees. Continue reading “First Downs For Trees Celebrates 14 Years”

CISMAs Plan Invasive Plant Events

When it comes to fighting invasive plants, Wisconsin’s Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) are often the first line of defense (and offense).

These regional groups provide a localized resource for landowners looking for invasive plant education, identification support and assistance with controlling invasives on their properties.

Continue reading “CISMAs Plan Invasive Plant Events”

Jack Pine Budworm Outbreak Subsides

By Paul Cigan, DNR Forest Health Specialist, Hayward
Paul.Cigan@wisconsin.gov or 715-416-4920

Aerial view of jack pine budworm defoliation in jack pine stands in Douglas County during the 2023 outbreak. / Photo Credit: Paul Cigan, Wisconsin DNR

Jack pine defoliation caused by the jack pine budworm (JPBW) continued at mostly light levels this year, affecting stands in the Central and Northwest Sands Ecological Regions of Wisconsin.

In the Northwest Sands, jack pine stands experienced light and scattered defoliation across Burnett, Douglas, Polk and Washburn counties. In the Central Sands, JPBW caused moderate to heavy defoliation across roughly 500 acres of jack pine on county and state forests in Jackson County, east of Black River Falls.

Continue reading “Jack Pine Budworm Outbreak Subsides”

CISMA Events For August, September

By Erika Segerson-Mueller, DNR Invasive Plant Program Specialist, Oshkosh Service Center;
erika.segersonmueller@wisconsin.gov or 715-492-0391

A chart showing Wisconsin's different Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas boundaries.When it comes to fighting invasive plants, Wisconsin’s CISMAs (Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas) are often the first line of defense (and offense). These regional groups provide a localized resource for landowners looking for invasive plant education, identification support and assistance with controlling invasives on their properties. Continue reading “CISMA Events For August, September”