Celebrate National Forest Products Week

Since 1960, the seven-day period beginning on the third Sunday of October has been designated by Presidential proclamation as a time to recognize the many products that come from our forests in addition to the people who manage, harvest, and manufacture these products we depend on each and every day. Most Wisconsinites recognize that forests are an essential part of our state’s history, culture, and environment, but many do not realize the economic importance of our 17.1 million acres of forest land to the state and local economies.

Wisconsin’s forest products industry:

  • Leads the US in paper production;
  • Provides more than  64,000 jobs; and
  • Contributes $ 24.7 billion of output to the state’s economy annually.

The forest products industry continues to provide a sustainable resource in response to an ever changing market. Despite the market changes over time, the diversity of Wisconsin’s forest products companies has been and will remain an important contributor to the economy in Wisconsin.  Read more in this DNR news release.

Written by Sabina Dhungana, DNR Forest Products Specialist, (608) 261-0754, Sabina.dhungana@wisconsin.gov

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