You can be a star!

by Jodie Ellis, communications specialist (Madison).; 608-266-2172

Invasive Species Action Month in Wisconsin will be held this year in June. To celebrate, the Wisconsin DNR is teaming up with partners for the “Protect the Places You Play” video challenge. We are looking for video entries from the public (no longer than two minutes, please) that show how you or your group help prevent the spread of invasive species. The winning video’s producer will be invited to attend the Wisconsin Invasive Species Council’s Invader Crusader Awards ceremony on June 6 at Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison. Submissions must be received no later than Monday, May 15.

Entries will be voted on by visitors to the DNR’s Facebook page. Voting will be open from May 16 through 25. For instructions on entering your video, see the 2018 Video Challenge page on the Council’s website. Need some inspiration? See last year’s winning submission.

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