Urban Forestry Consultant Directory – Annual update request

For many years the Urban and Community Forestry Program has maintained the Urban Forestry Consultants Directory, a document containing contact information and services provided by consultants who have made themselves known to DNR. Each May, we ask those listed to review their information and submit any necessary updates. We also welcome new submittals at this time, and throughout the year!

If you completed the form last year and have no updates, no action is required on your part. If you need to make changes or would like to be added to the directory, please provide your current information using the Urban Forestry Consultant Index form. Complete and submit the form electronically by June 1, 2018 by using the ‘Submit by Email’ button at the bottom.

Please do not delay! The form simply asks for your firm’s contact information and provides checklists for urban forestry related certifications held within the firm, the Wisconsin counties you serve, and the services you provide. Timing of this request allows for updated directories to be posted each year by July 1, making current information available for the Urban Forestry grant applicants. If at any point you would like to be removed from the list, please send an e-mail with that request to DNRUrbanForestryGrants@wisconsin.gov .

We appreciate your service to urban forestry, and look forward to adding or updating your information in the directory. Look for the updated version on our website July 1, 2018.

If you have questions, please contact Laura Lorentz at laura.lorentz@wi.gov or (608) 294-0253.

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