Urban Forestry Grants application and guidance open for review

By Alex Elias, Urban Forestry Grants Manager
Updated guidance for the Urban Forestry Grants program has been posted for public input and will be available for a 21-day comment period. Guidance is available for both internal and external review from Tuesday, May 15, 2018 through Monday, June 4, 2018 on the proposed program guidance open for public comment website.

The Urban Forestry Grant application and guidance was last updated about five years ago in conjunction with the development of the first Division of Forestry Strategic Direction. Starting in July 2017, a new Strategic Direction was implemented and the grant application was updated to reflect urban forestry’s new program priorities. Additionally, DNR heard from applicants that the original application was complicated to complete and redundant. We have revised the application by simplifying questions and reducing redundancy.

The Department is now soliciting comments from the public on the draft guidance and application. Once the 21-day public comment period is complete, all comments will be considered. The program implementation guidance will be revised as needed, and final program guidance will be made available to the public. For more information on this process, please click here. Send comments to: DNRUrbanForestryGrants@Wisconsin.gov.

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