Results of survey of Forest Health News subscribers

By Jodie Ellis, communications specialist, Madison.; 608-843-3506

Thanks to all of you who participated in our recent reader survey. About one-fifth of subscribers (336 out of 1,741) took part, providing valuable information which will help us develop better ways to serve all of our readers. The survey was completed April 15, 2018.

Following are some of the things we learned.

Numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number. Some participants chose to skip some questions. Questions are presented below with the total number of respondents indicated in parentheses.

  1. Do you live in Wisconsin (336)?    Yes – 93%       No – 8%
  2. Do you work in Wisconsin (335)   Yes – 87%       No – 13%
  3. Do you own forested land in Wisconsin? (336)  Yes – 54%       No – 46%
  4. How many acres of forested land in Wisconsin do you own? (180)

        Less than 5 acres                    13%

        5 – 10 acres                               14%

        11 – 100 acres                          54%

        More than 100 acres             19%

  1. Where do you own forested land in Wisconsin? (179)

Northeast zone             30%

East central zone          18%

Northwest zone            18%

West central zone          5%

Central zone                 21%

South central zone      12%

Southeast zone               4%    MAP

  1. I am most interested in articles concerning the following zones (refer to older map) (319).

Northeast zone           26%

East central zone        15%

Northwest zone           19%

West central zone       10%

Central zone                 21%

South central zone      11%

Southeast zone           10%

Not interested                 1%

   How often do you read Forest Health News? (318)

Each time I receive an e-mail notification     74%

More than half the time                                     20%

Less than half the time                                         4%

Seldom or never                                                  1%       

 How would you rate the overall content of Forest Health News? (319)

Excellent                                    43%

Good                                           52%

Neither good nor poor              5%

Poor                                             n/a

Terrible                                       n/a

  1. How often do you find information that you can use in your work? (317)

Always                   22%

Usually                  44%

Sometimes           28%

Seldom                   5%

Never                      1%

  1. In general, how interesting or not interesting are topic in Forest Health News to you? (318)

Very interesting                                             31%

Mostly interesting                                          62%

Neither interesting or uninteresting             6%

Mostly uninteresting                                        1%

Very uninteresting                                         < 1%

  1. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the timeliness of the information in Forest Health News? (318)

Extremely satisfied                              30%

Usually satisfied                                   58%

Neither satisfied or dissatisfied         11%

Usually dissatisfied                              n/a

Extremely dissatisfied                          n/a

  1. Do you agree or disagree that Forest Health News is useful to you? (318)

Completely agree                        71%

Somewhat agree                         25%

Neither agree nor disagree         3%

Somewhat disagree                       1%

Completely disagree                   n/a

  1. What types of articles do you usually read in Forest Health News? (318)

I read all articles.                                                                        33%

I read only articles specific to my zone(s).                            12%

I read only articles designated as statewide.                         n/a

I read a mix of articles, from both the statewide category and articles in specific zones categories.     55%

  1. Is it currently easy or difficult to move from article to article online? (316)

Easy                                                 65%

Neither easy nor difficult            28%

Difficult                                          7%

  1. Please indicate how each of the four categories below is relevant to your work.
Category Extremely relevant Mostly relevant Neither relevant nor irrelevant Mostly irrelevant Extremely irrelevant
Information about quarantines and other regulatory concerns (314)


46% 32% 14% 5% 3%
Current pest and disease observations and management information (313) 59% 30% 6% 3% 2%
General education information about invasive plants and pests (313)


49% 38% 8% 3% 2%
Management and regulation of invasive species (312)


49% 36% 10% 4% 2%
  1. From the list of four categories above, which is the most important to your work or interests? (314)

Information about quarantines and other regulatory concerns                          12%

Current pest and disease observations and management information              60%

General educational information about invasive plants and pests                     15%

Management and regulation of invasive plants                                                      13%

  1. How often would you like to receive Forest Health News? (317)

Once a month all year round.                                                                         38%

Once every two months all year round.                                                        19%

Monthly during the growing season; less frequently during winter.      19%

The frequency is not important to me.                                                          24%

  1. What is your age? (317)

Under 20 years old           n/a

20-25 years old                 3%

26-35 years old                 14%

36-45 years old                 19%

46-55 years old                 25%

Older than 55 years          40%

  1. How would you rate the speed of internet service in your area? (316)

Fast                     39%

Adequate            48%

Slow                     13%

  1. Which category best describes you? (318)

Forester                                                 48%

Land manager                                         7%

Logger                                                   < 1%

Mill employee                                        n/a

Craftsman                                             < 1%

Scientist/researcher                               3%

Student                                                  < 1%

Policymaker                                          < 1%

Education/outreach professional        4%

Professional/business services             7%

Landowner                                              19%

Other                                                        11%

  1. If you are reading Forest Health News for information pertaining to your job, who is your employer? (268)

Federal agency                                        3%

State agency                                          49%

County agency                                         8%

Municipal agency                                    7%

Private sector                                        16%

Tribal government or business               1%

Non-profit organization                          2%

Academic institution                               2%

Other                                                        13%

  1. What federal agency do you work for? (9)

USDA                             n/a

APHIS                            n/a

US Forest Service       44%

Other                             56% (none specified)

  1. Which state agency do you work for? (133)

WI DNR             92%

WI DATCP         <1%

Other                   7%

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