The Green Bay Packers, along with corporate sponsors Essity and Green Bay Packaging Inc., marked another successful year of the “First Downs for Trees” program by planting trees at Ashwaubenon’s Klipstine Park on Thursday, July 19th. These sponsors provided the funds for the planting 444 trees in 17 Brown County communities. These trees will provide total lifetime benefits of $2,132,200.
Program supporters, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Wisconsin Public Service, also participated in the event.
Three nurseries, Meacham Nursery, Leaves Inspired and Silver Creek provided the trees this year. A combination of elm, maple, lilac, oak, honey locust and flowering crab trees are among the species that were planted.
This is the eighth year of the First Downs for Trees program. More than 4,700 trees have been planted, which will provide total lifetime benefits of $22.7 million.

DNR staff and Packers officials plant a tree commemorating the event.