Assistance for private woodland owners impacted by recent storms

Severe storms swept the northwest, northeast, and west central portions of the State from Friday, July 19th through the evening of Saturday, July 20th. The storms consisted of severe straight-line winds, large hail, heavy rains, and tornadic activity, resulting in significant tree damage on both public and private properties. Left unchecked, damaged trees can also result in major economic losses and create significant forest management problems. The DNR has been partnering with local municipalities to assist with recovery efforts by helping with debris removal.

In addition, the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry has staff available to assist and connect you with the resources needed to mitigate the damages that have occurred from the recent storms. Depending on the situation, local DNR foresters may provide a property walk through, connect you with Cooperating Foresters and Logging Operators that work in the area, provide you with publications and information or direct you to federal resources such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

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