Arbor Day Foundation now accepting Tree City USA applications!

Wisconsin may be best known for our cheese, lakes and beer, but did you know that we are second in the country for number of Tree City USA communities?! Last year 195 Wisconsin communities achieved Tree City USA status, and those communities are home to nearly 60% of Wisconsinites. Wouldn’t it be something if we were number one in the country this year?! Well, here’s our chance – the application period for Arbor Day Foundation’s (ADF) recognition programs, including Tree City USA and Tree Campus USA, is now open! 

This year ADF launched a new application portal. Since this is the first time using this portal, everyone is required to reset a new password. You can follow the steps below to do so and get into the application.

  1. Visit:
  2. Click on “Find your Community.”
  3. Select your state and search your community name.
    • Note: Usernames are formatted as “CommunityNameWI” so for example, if you are signing up for Green Bay, WI, your username would be “GreenBayWI.”
  4. Select your community.
  5. If the information listed under City Contact is correct, please select “reset login password” to receive an email prompting you to reset the password.
  6. If the login contact needs to be changed, please select “change login contact info.”
    • Update login info and set up password.

Since ADF updated to a more streamlined system and this is the first year, unfortunately no previous contact or application information will already be filled in. You will need to fill out the whole application this year, including your ordinance, but it will auto-populate some information in future years. Once logged into your application, you will be able to download past application information at the top of the page to help guide you.

Both Tree City USA and Tree Campus USA are national award programs that recognize efforts to raise awareness of the importance of trees and integrate trees and proper tree care in Wisconsin communities and on college campuses.

To be recognized as a Tree City USA, a community must have:

  • A designated tree board or forestry department
  • Annual forestry program expenditures of at least $2 per capita
  • A tree ordinance
  • An Arbor Day observance and proclamation

To be recognized as a Tree Campus USA, the campus must have:

  • A campus tree advisory committee
  • A tree care plan
  • A tree program with dedicated annual expenditures
  • An Arbor Day observance
  • A tree-related service learning project

Tree City and Tree Campus applications are due December 31st and require no fee.

We hope you join us this year in continuing the strong tradition and commitment to growing and maintaining a healthy tree canopy across Wisconsin! 

For more information contact the DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator serving your area or reach out to Laura Lorentz ( or 608-294-0253). Learn more about Wisconsin’s Tree Cities with this PDF

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