Save the date for the WAA/DNR Annual Urban Forestry Conference

The Wisconsin Arborist Association (WAA) teams up with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to present the WAA/DNR Annual Urban Forestry Conference, Sustaining Urban Forests to Ensure a Healthy Future.

Dates: February 16-18, 2020

Location: Hyatt on Main & KI Convention Center, 333 Main Street, Green Bay, WI 54301




This three-day conference is intended for professional arborists, community foresters, nursery professionals, park and recreation directors and staff, tree care workers, landscape architects, green industry professionals, community administrators, volunteers, and students to come together with top researchers and educators to learn the latest in research, innovations and industry developments.

Presentations cover a wide range of topics, including the benefits of trees to human health, the keys to effective leadership, pruning specifications, and crime prevention using landscape design, along with utility forestry topics in the Utility Track. The DNR has put together a full afternoon session on the theme of Urban Trees and Stormwater, with presentations from a variety of speakers including engineers, municipal foresters, and university researchers. Additional topics include strategies for working around infrastructure conflicts, what future tree canopies may look like, new and emerging diseases and insects, sustainable landscaping, and ergonomics for the workplace.

Two additional key features include the presentation of the annual Wisconsin Urban Forestry Awards by the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council, and WAA’s jointly-held trade show. This 3-day trade show is a premier event for Wisconsin and regional industry professionals to see the latest arborist gear, nursery equipment, and tree inventory systems and learn about educational and government programs.

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits are available for ISA Certified Arborists for presentations given throughout the conference. Also, Certified Treecare Safety Professional (CTSP) credits will be available for qualifying presentations.

As of December 12th, registration was not yet available but is coming very soon! Visit to register in the coming weeks. Early bird registration will be available through January 29th for $245.

We hope to see you there!

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