Guidance recertification documents now posted online

As part of the review process for existing guidance from the WDNR Applied Forestry Bureau, 26 guidance recertification documents have been posted for public comment on the DNR Proposed Program Guidance webpage. Three of these documents pertain to the Urban Forestry program: the Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry Grants 2020 Application Guide, the Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm Grant Program, and the Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry Grants 2020 Recordkeeping & Reimbursement Guide.

Per Act 369, agencies must post new or significantly revised guidance documents for public comment and certify their contents, prior to adoption. The act also requires existing guidance to be republished for public comment. Once finalized, guidance must be posted on the DNR website, contain a certification statement, and the department must permit continued public comment.

On February 10, the Applied Forestry Bureau began the recertification process for 26 existing guidance documents by posting them for public comment on the DNR Proposed Program Guidance webpage. The duration of the comment period will be 21 days; comments will close on March 2nd. Public comments were received and considered during the initial creation of these documents; however, we still encourage you to review these documents and provide any necessary comments that you may have.

If you wish to be notified by DNR when proposed and final guidance documents are posted for public comment, you may sign up for updates here.

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