Six Applicants Receive DNR Urban Forestry Grants In Second Round Of Funding

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Urban Forestry Grant program awarded $104,920 to six Wisconsin communities for urban forestry projects during the second round of our 2021 funding. These funds were originally reserved for the Catastrophic Storm Grant program but were not needed through the winter months.

The communities receiving funds are the City of Cedarburg, the City of Delafield, the Village of Grafton, the City of Menasha, the Village of Shorewood and the City of Sun Prairie. Each grantee will receive an equal part of the available funding for $17,486.50. These urban forestry grants must be matched dollar for dollar.

The Department of Natural Resources Urban Forestry Grant program funds projects consistent with state and national goals to increase the urban forest canopy and its benefits. The urban forest encompasses trees on both public and private property.

Priorities for the 2021 grant cycle included, but were not limited to, projects that increase the ability of local municipal partners to expand their urban forestry program; increase the ability of all local partners to provide ongoing urban forestry funding, services and markets; benefit multiple communities and put existing inventories of urban trees to use.

Further information about the DNR Urban Forestry Grant program is available on the webpage here.

Please contact Chase O’Brien, DNR Urban Forestry Grants Manager, at or 608-640-6143 or Nicolle Spafford, DNR Budget And Grant Specialist, at or 715-453-2188 ext. 1274 with any questions you may have.

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