Public Awareness Ideas For Watering Trees In A Drought

By Olivia Witthun, DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator, Plymouth,, 414-750-8744 

Most of you are doing your best to keep things watered, but you could always use some help. Below are a few ideas for public awareness and pleas to get homeowner assistance in watering trees. As always, contact your DNR Urban Forestry staff if you’d like more specific examples.  

  • Social media is a great avenue to get these types of messages out. Use your community’s Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms to your advantage.
  • Consider dropping off a doorhanger reminding folks to water trees. Perhaps work it into your watering schedule; each address you stop at gets a doorhanger.

  • Put out ‘Water Your Trees’ yard signs around newly planted street trees in the community, especially onto those busy streets.
  • Publish an article in the local newspaper.
  • Include watering information on your website, e.g.
  • The City of Stevens Point rented space on advertising signs on the outside of their city buses.
  • I’ve even seen phone apps that let homeowners update a map when they’ve watered a street tree.

Thanks for everything you do for the trees!

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