Tree City USA: Wisconsin By The Numbers

Since 1976, Tree City USA has been a catalyst for community tree care and a powerful force for promoting urban forestry. This program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation (ADF) and administered in Wisconsin by the DNR, provides communities with a tangible goal and national recognition for their community forestry efforts. Wisconsin has 201 Tree City USAs, ranking it second in the nation!

A 2020 summary by ADF provides the following statistics on Wisconsin’s Tree City USAs:

  • 60% of Wisconsin lives in a Tree City USA
  • $51,319,634 was spent on urban forestry management ($14.65 average per capita)
  • 31,413 trees were planted
  • 20 communities received Growth Awards

In addition to Tree City USA, ADF hosts several other programs that recognize the urban forestry efforts of organizations such as campuses and utility lines. These programs include Tree Campus USATree Campus HealthcareTree Campus K-12 and Tree Line USA. New in 2019, ADF’s Tree Cities of the World recognizes cities and towns all across the globe that care for and celebrate their urban tree canopy.

To apply for these programs, contact your regional Wisconsin DNR urban forestry coordinator.

The Tree City USA application portal will open in September.

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