Tree Inventory Accounts Available

By Dan Buckler, DNR Urban Forest Assessment Specialist, Madison, or 608-445-4578

Do you have a tree inventory but have had a hard time keeping it current, or you’re interested in inventorying some trees of your own? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is funding several accounts for communities or organizations to edit data within the Wisconsin Community Tree Map, a compilation of tree inventories from around the state. The map shows where trees are located and includes information about each tree, such as diameter, health condition and street address.

The DNR wants to distribute these accounts to entities that would actively use the tool to add or remove trees in their inventory or edit current data (e.g., change the diameter or mark the tree as pruned). If you already have a tree inventory tool that you use and like, this option is probably not for you. But if you don’t have a tool, then you might be interested in a DNR-funded account. The map can be accessed with a smartphone, tablet or computer with an internet connection. The DNR can help provide training on the tool for interested communities.

The account would be available at no cost to you through June 2022. It is unknown if the DNR will continue to fund community accounts after that. Still, the updated data could be exported and used elsewhere, or communities could pay for an account themselves. The data would stay on the tree map regardless.

Interested in an account? Please reach out to Dan Buckler at

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