Partners In Community Forestry Conference

Sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, the Partners in Community Forestry conference will be held in-person in Louisville, Kentucky on Nov. 17 and 18. This conference is the largest international gathering of urban forestry practitioners, advocates, researchers and government leaders. Bring your skills, your hunger for knowledge and your passion for community forestry as you mingle with like-minded professionals; the thinkers, doers, and thought leaders in community forestry. CEUs will be available.

Partnering events held the same week include the Society of Municipal Arborists’ 57th Annual International Conference and Trade Show (Nov. 15-16), the Alliance for Community Trees Day (Nov. 16), and Urban Wood Network Academy (Nov. 19).

The early bird registration fee for the Partners in Community Forestry conference is $399 until Oct. 20. There are additional registration fees for partnering events.

To learn more and to register, click here.

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