Will A Fire Truck Fit Down Your Driveway?

In the event of a wildfire in your area, firefighters may need to reach your home. If firefighters cannot safely access your home, they will find an alternative way to get to you that may take longer – and when fighting fire, every second counts.

Help Firefighters Reach You

You are the first line of defense when it comes to helping your home survive a wildfire. To enable firefighters and other emergency vehicles to locate and reach your residence quickly it’s important to establish a safe route with adequate driveway access.

Follow these guidelines to prepare your driveway for emergency access that could make all the difference in reducing damage to your property during a wildfire or other emergency event.

Firetruck parked on a driveway. Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR

  • Position your address sign to be visible from the road from either direction and cut back vegetation around the sign.
  • Ensure street signs are clearly visible with road names located at intersections leading to your home.
  • Clear trees, branches or brush from your driveway so it is at least 12 feet wide with a vertical clearance of at least 13.5 feet to allow fire trucks access.
  • Ensure your driveway’s surface is firmly packed and can support the weight of emergency vehicles even in the spring when the ground is soft.
  • Remove gates, fence posts or other obstructions that could restrict access.
  • Create a space at the end of your driveway with adequate room for an emergency vehicle to turn around once it reaches your home.

Visit the DNR’s Preparing Your Property webpage for additional information on how to protect your home and property from wildfires.

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